"spiderman" homecoming

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(So last chapter was a whole lot to unpack)

(( so this one will be a time skip of two weeks, and Wendy is coming home for the weekend to help celebrate her father's birthday.))


Wendy's Pov

Thursday morning

As I walk down the hallway to my next class with Edward and Bae, my mind wanders elsewhere. I can't believe I'm getting to go home for the weekend. I'm so excited I missed my family so much. Bae seems to notice my lack of awareness and stops on front of me, making me collide into his back. I stumble backward at the contact, and he pretends like he's going to fall forward dramatically, reaching for Edward. The other boy laughs jokingly and swats bae's hands away. Bae gasps, grabbing me and squeezing me to his chest "did you see that? He was going to let me fall, the audacity." Edward shakes his head with a light while I push Bae away from me in annoyance.

Bae grabs at his chest and lets out an over exaggerated gasp. I roll my eyes at his behavior and feel the heat creep up my neck. "Sorry, I'm distracted." Bae nods," I could tell, you excited?" Edward looks between us with a raised eyebrow. "Excited for what?" I beam at him as we round the corner. "I'm heading home to my family tomorrow." Edward smiles at me."That's awesome. I don't think I'd be able to focus either if I were heading home." I smile back before waving to Bae as Edward, and I enter the classroom.

We make our way to our seats towards the middle of the room. Edward drops into his spot next to me "so, why this weekend?" I sit down, setting my bag on my desk to get my journal and pens out "my fathers birthday is on Saturday, and I'm staying until Tuesday." He nods slowly as if processing as he gets his folder out "so I'll see you Thursday?" I tilt my head, mentally counting the hours for my flight and such " I believe so, since it'll be back late Wednesday." He smiles "then you can tell me all about your trip on Thursday." I smile as the teacher enters the room and starts our lesson.

Throughout the lesson, which is guided reading on the reading that was homework from last class I reflect on what's been going on lately. These past two weeks Jane has been putting ideas into my head about Edward liking me. For the most part I've been able to push these thoughts away and play off his bright smiles, as nothing but friendliness. However, moments like these when it's just us and he's understanding something make me doubt my own doubt of Jane's ideas. I know it's silly but because of what Jane has been saying, I've started noticing a bit more about the boy than I did before. I blame my sudden fascination with the boy solely on my roommate. Because of her I've started noticing his mannerisms and quirks and picking up on them. I still feel no real attraction towards him, just paying more attention than I should.

Also, for the past two weeks, I've actually had no deep-rooted arguments with Peter. We've gotten along fine and we've talked quite a bit, which is why Jane thinks I like him. I've spent most of my nights explaining why that's not the case to her deaf ears. My brunette roommate is absolutely relentless about trying to find me a boyfriend or a girlfriend; surprisingly, she's not very picky. She has preferences, of course, but she's very open-minded about who I should date. I've told her countless times that I'm not interested in dating anyone, but she refuses to listen.

Speaking of Jane, she's been subtly distancing herself in classes away from Tarzan and his friends. She's been full on shoving Emma away with both hands. Jane never really liked Emma to begin with; it's just much more out in the open. Emma has been trying to force me to talk to her by asking to work together on every assignment. I'm standing in solidarity with my friends, and I only speak to Emma if I have to. Alice is not as polite and often mumbles curses that would make any sailor proud. Bae has kept up the avoidance and keeps himself busy as much as possible. He's started a new photography project and spends a lot of time adding photos to that portfolio. I myself have rejoined the poetry club as well as theater club. Before I left, I was a part of both clubs, and I was warmly welcomed back.

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