the aftermath part 1

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(Peter pan is busted, and in trouble)

Peter's pov

Ya know that look your mom gives you and you know that you're completely toast, and it makes you think about everything you've done wrong in the past two and a half weeks that she is unaware of?
Well it's scary as hell..
To make it worse she smiles kindly at Felix as if he's an angel. Can you believe that Felix an angel, maybe a fallen one. Thats fine I know Felix won't let me go down on my own.
Felix and I share a nod in solidarity, about whatever she is about to say we are going down as one.
I raise my eyebrow faking innocence at her, she clicks her tongue at me and smirks before a smile takes over her face.
"Felix, why don't you call your dad and let him know I'm keeping you and then go shower and get ready for bed, okay?"

Felix meets my eyes I glare at him. He smiles kindly at her "my dad's shift isn't over yet, can I call him once he's off?" I see my mom watching us and I hope she can't see that we are intentionally challenging her.
She smiles at him, and narrows her eyes at me "Felix, upstairs now, shower, then call him" and we both know by her tone it's not a request.
Felix stands up and gives a two finger salute and makes his way upstairs

. Soon as Felix is out of sight,
the tight smile slips off my moms face. "Peter Pan I asked you to do one thing, one damn thing," her voice raises as she goes on. " it's not impossible either, I said behave, I said be nice to them, and apparently you took that as be nice to everyone but Wendy."
She scoffs and shakes her head, "Wendy is a very nice girl and I won't have you upsetting her, she has done nothing to you, for you to act this way towards her and you will apologize before spring break is over" I open my mouth to protest although I don't really have a reason. But she holds up her hand "do I make myself clear. Peter?" She says it like a question, but I know better, it's a demand. I slowly nod.

Our heads turn at the sound of a notification of a phone that's not one were used to. She walks towards were the girl was sitting and bends over holding Wendy's cell phone in her hand. She gets a look on her face that tells me she has an idea, and I already know I'm going to hate it.
She smirks at me "you're going to give this to wendy Tomorrow, and apologize to her then, understood?"
I sigh and nod. She leans forward and taps her foot impatiently. I take a deep breath "yes mom, ill take it in the morning, and apologize to her then." She nods satisfied.

She leans down and kisses my head, "I love you ,but you can't just be an ass for no reason Peter." I smirk "I know mom, just something about her doesn't sit well with me" she frowns, "she's a nice girl Peter, just try and be nice im not saying you have to be her new bestfriend. But civil would be nice" I nod at her and she smiles towards the staircase "I dont hear the shower Felix" we wait a moment in silence when it turns on we both laugh. She ruffles my hair  and walks upstairs. "Goodnight boys, I love you" she calls from upstairs by her bedroom. "Night mom, love you too" Felix and I yell back. I can hear the telltale sound of her bedroom door opening and I lean forward to place my head in my hands.

I really don't want to be nice to wendy, but mom gets along great with her mom and she's really mad at me over this. I sigh and groan, I look towards Wendy's phone on the table on front of me and I pick it up, it's an android, looks like it's not the most recent one and it's got a pastel blue and pink phone case with stars on it.

 I sigh and groan, I look towards Wendy's phone on the table on front of me and I pick it up, it's an android, looks like it's not the most recent one and it's got a pastel blue and pink phone case with stars on it

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It lights up in my hand and it shows me her lock screen its a picture of shadows and the sunset. It looks like a girl on a guy's back maybe it's hard to see through her notifications. I see one for Instagram and I grab my own phone to search her handle I find it but leave in my search history. I don't wanna be creepy I mean its bad enough I have her phone

. She must be really dumb to have forgotten it here. I sigh loudly and it goes off once again with a message from Jane this time, it goes off three more times with Jane's name at the top and I frown, trying to get it to turn off the noise and in doing so I unlock her phone, my eyes widen she didn't have a password on it. I scoff I was right stupid girl, but I'm now shown her wallpaper and I don't know what I was expecting but not what I'm seeing. It's a photo of wendy with her friends I think, they all look happy and unlike Wendy's very proper demeanor, this photo is messy and goofy and it makes her look normal.
I sigh and quickly find the volume control, letting it lock itself once more, I set it down on the table and run my hands through my messy hair, she's not what she seems at all and I don't like it.

I leave her phone on the table and make my way into the kitchen and grab myself a bottle of water. I look around the kitchen and make sure nothing is out of place that I'll have to clean up later. I hum satisfied that everything is in its place. When I realize it wouldn't be polite to return Wendy's phone dead. So I look through the drawers and try and find a charger that will charge her phone. I think I've finally found one when Felix enters the kitchen and sees me holding chargers on my hand. I sigh at his raised eyebrow "dumb girl left her phone here and mom is making me take it to her and apologize tomorrow"
Felix nods and gets a soda out of the fridge.

I walk back into the living room and grab Wendy's phone off the table and plug it in on the island. Felix lifts her phone and makes it light up I can see he's looking at her lockscreen, I swipe my finger across the screen letting it unlock and he looks up at me in question. I scoff "accidentally, opened it trying to turn off the damn notification sound" I grumble and Felix nods looking at her wallpaper now. "She looks very free here in the photos, it seems like she might've been on edge here tonight, all though I can't imagine why.." he trails off setting  her phone back doen on the counter. I glare at him and he raises his hands in defense backing away from me and the island.

I sigh "she's hiding something" he nods "she's allowed to pan, why should she be open with us, when ever since you first laid eyes on her you've been glaring holes in her." I roll my eyes,"you sound like mom" he shakes his head and shrugs at me.
"I'm tired of discussing wendy, let's just go watch a movie or something " he nods, and we make our way back upstairs to my room.
Hes hiding a smirk. I raise my eyebrows as we enter my room "out with it" "you called her Wendy, not stupid girl or darling"  I clench my jaw maybe I did. Doesn't mean anything I still can't stand her.

We decide to play a few rounds of call of duty. Switching between versus and zombies, we make it to round 13 and Felix's yawns have become contagious and our reaction time is very slow making it harder to focus, "maybe we should put on a movie or something " he yawns out. "Thats fine which one" I yawn back
He shrugs and we start skimming through Netflix. I don't think we even picked a movie before I passed out.

(Authors note)

I know this one is really short and I apologize for that, I fully intended on making it way longer but I think next chapter is going to be a longer one instead.
I had a bad case of being unmotivated and not from the lack of love on my stories (which I'm eternally grateful for) but just personal things going on.

As always thank you for reading and following along with my story and its irregular updates 💕

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