flynn ryder is a flirt

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(Who was at the door?    Why are they at Peter's house?     Will John and  Micheal find out she's home? )

(Little shorter than I wanted it to be but I have been playing with this for weeks)

Wendy pov

When Penny called for us, Peter and I ended up bumping into each other trying to stand up at the same time. I felt like I was going to fall but Peter grabbed arm to steady me and I flushed on embarrassment at the action. I mumbled a soft thank you for not letting me fall and he just stared at me wordlessly. I couldn't quite tell what he was thinking and I was so thankful when his mom called us downstairs again. We both rush out of his room and as we walk towards the stairs I can't help but think about what just happened.
I don't want things between us to be awkward or weird and this whole day has kind of been just that. Peter's been staring at me a quite a bit today and I don't know why.

When we walk down the stairs I spot Rufio, Felix and another boy I hadn't met before. Peter is in front of me so he reaches the bottom first. All three of the boys turn towards the stairs as the bottom step creaks under my weight just like it did under Peter's. I don't think they knew I was there until they heard the sound the second time. Feliz offers a half smile and a wave to which I return. Rufio however holds out his arms as he walks towards me and I smile as I step into his open arms.
He wraps me in a tight hug and I hug him back pressing my face into his shoulder for a moment. While im here I can't help but notice that Rufio smells like expensive cologne that is quite strong. Where as when I hugged Peter today I noticed that his scent was comforting and not as over powering as his friend's.

I pull back from Rufio and offer a polite wave to the other boy who is standing next to Peter. Rufio smiles at me "when did you get back? Why didn't you tell me? How long are you here for?" I blink at the rapid fire questions and tilt my head before I answer them all "I got back about three hours ago. I didn't tell anyone except my mom, it's a surprise for my dad's birthday. A few days this time, I have to be back by Wednesday night." Rufio nods his head as if he's processing and then he smiles "cool so we can take you around town this time." I hum and then smile softly "I actually have no idea what my mom has planned for me." He nods looking dejected and I offer a soft smile hoping to reassure him that it will be okay.

Thankfully he bounces back rather quickly and squeezes me into another hug causing me to laugh. Penny steps out of the kitchen at that moment and rolls her eyes "rufio let the girl breathe a minute." He instantly lets go and a laugh ripples through the room. Penny smirks at him as she hugs me and rufio gives her an unimpressed look. She lets go after only a moment and she smiles playfully at the boys. "Oh Wendy I don't think you've met Flynn yet." I turn my attention to the unknown boy and shake my head in agreement with her statement. He steps forward and holds his hand out to me "hello Wendy, it's nice to finally put a face to a name." I give him a soft smile as I shake his hand "nice to meet you as well Flynn." He gives me a wink at my response and I feel slightly confused by the action.

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