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Peter and wendy talk after dinner cause she is worried she upset him in some way, cuteness incoming.)

Wendy's pov

After a quick family dinner I excused myself back up stairs, my nap was short and I'm still feeling drained. I walk towards the window and pause seeing the lights change colors between the gap in Peter's curtains. So he's still awake, I make a mental note to send him a text . He seemed off today almost as if his mind was on something else entirely. His mother's teasing even got to him today, I've only ever seen him give it back to her. Today just seemed like a bad day for Peter, and I hope he find some one he trusts to talk about it with. It probably won't be me he decides to talk to, and that's okay. However, he does need to talk to someone who will listen, and I feel his friends are those types of people.

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