saying goodbye

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( the morning after the cheek kiss, deep dive into Peter's head and his thoughts about Ms. Wendy Darling.)

Peter's pov

I'm startled from my sleep by my mom yelling from the stairs that I need to get up. I call back that I really don't want to as I shove my face further in my pillow and my mom stomps her way up the stairs and into my room. She leans on my door way "get up, Wendy is leaving in less than three hours " my eyes fly open at that and I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach once more, I'm thankful my back is to my mom so she doesn't see it. She huffs when I make no indication of movement "I'm going next door soon as I'm dressed." I sigh letting her know I heard her and she leaves my room. Once she's gone I roll over on to my back and run my hand through my hair remembering what happened last night. I'm still replaying what lead up to her kissing my cheek. I was in her face jokingly, maybe she took that as me wanting to kiss her. Which is not true at all I didn't and don't want to kiss her at all.
I mean sure I was staring at her, but she's never looked so relaxed and her hair was distracting me. I shake my head to stop thinking about how she looked last night. I instead start to think about what she said before she kissed my cheek , she thanked me. Maybe her kissing me was just a sweet thank you and nothing more. I sigh sitting up and rubbing my eyes before swinging my legs over the side of the bed preparing to get up.

I open my closet pulling out a t shirt and jeans to put on today, I guess if my mom wants to go over there then so will I. Draping  my clothes over my bare shoulder I pause pulling open the curtain and I sigh seeing Wendy's shut window. I shake my head at myself for expecting to see her or maybe even see the window open, and I make my way to the bathroom to do my morning routine and get dressed. I finish running a brush through my always messy hair and leave my bathroom to look for my shoes. I pull open my window and slip on my vans, I shove my phone in my back pocket and make my way downstairs. My mom grins when she sees me and I notice she looks a bit sad.

I kiss her head as I pass her on my way to the fridge to find something to drink

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I kiss her head as I pass her on my way to the fridge to find something to drink. "What's wrong?" I ask as I pull out some apple juice and she sighs "I couldn't help but think about what Mary must be going through." I tilt my head at her answer and she sees and continues "her daughter is being forced back to school in another country, and there's nothing she can do about it " I nod in understanding as I put the juice back into the fridge. She smiles sadly "if I were in that situation I'd be devastated, my son would be out of my reach." I shake my head "never,plus you've got the lost boys mom." She nods giving me a hug and I wrap one around her before she pulls back and asks if I'm ready to see Wendy off. I nod and together we leave our house to go next door.

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