goodbye wendy

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(Wendy's rational brain is back online and ya girl is panicking majorly also split second decisions were made.)

Wendy's pov

I hear sounds of footsteps walking round my room and I assume it's Nana so I ignore them. Unfortunately for me it's not Nana and I'm suddenly attacked by my youngest brother.
I groan as my eyes fly open in surprise to see Micheal sitting my legs "Get up, get up ,get up!" I groan playfully and roll myself over to tickle his sides. He yells "truce, truce" as I shake my head and continue tickling his sides. Father enters the room pulling me off of Micheal and pinning us both down to tickle us both at one time. I easily squirm away and rush to my bathroom to follow my morning routine, I exit the bathroom after I finish brushing my teeth and I notice my bedroom is empty and there are voices downstairs only. I sigh to myself walking back to my room to change into some comfortable clothes for the long day ahead of me. When I enter my room I look to the window and I feel my cheeks heat up, I still can't believe I actually kissed Peter even if it was just his cheek. He was just now getting comfortable with me and I probably just screwed it up. I shake my head and pull open my closet trying to avoid looking at my neighbors window.
I quickly locate an oversized sweater to put on and a comfortable pair of jeans to wear. I change and sigh looking around my room for possibly the last time in a while.

 I change and sigh looking around my room for possibly the last time in a while

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Once I get downstairs I see that
Mother made waffles. she offers me my plate telling me that the rest of my family is outside. I pause in the doorway "I know it's last minute but could I get my hair cut before I leave?" My mom blinks at me and she nods "if that's what you want to do I'll make the appointment for right after breakfast." I beam happily rushing across the kitchen to hug her tightly "thank you." She nods hugging me back and ushering me outside. Once I get outside I'm greeted with my family eating at the patio table. Micheal quickly jumps up and pulls out my chair for me. I smile as i ruffle his hair and take my seat. I cut into my chocolate chip waffles and I smile, Mother knows these are my absolute favorite. Father winks at me as I happily take a bite of my waffles.
Soon enough mother joins us outside and we share small talk as we eat. I notice throughout our conversations John has been very short and standoffish towards our attempts. I make a mental note to talk with him after we're done eating. Soon enough we finish eating and Micheal helps Father and mother carry in our dishes.

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