what is control?

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(((Peter's pov of the phone call!!!)))

Peter's pov

After I got done "throwing my fit" as my mother called it. She didn't listen when I told her that I wasn't throwing a fit, but I just was feeling overwhelmed. I decided to ignore her scoff in response and pretend not to have heard it while start cooking myself some Ramen noodles. She tosses the towel she was wiping the counter off with at my head. "Okay, enough of the moping. What happened?" I shrug bending down to pick up the towel and setting it on the island in between us. "Nothing happened." My mom scoffs loudly crossing her arms across her chest. "Uh huh." She sounds annoyed and as if she doesn't believe me. I offer her a big fake smile and she rolls her eyes at me. "Did something happen at the mall between the boys and you?" I shake my head as I start to boil some water. "No, everything was fine." She tilts her head at me with a raised eyebrow. "Right, that's why I only took Wendy home instead of two other boys as well?" I shrug.

The silence stretches on for a moment until I finally break it."Last night at George's party, Tink kissed me and I didn't want to spend any time with her." My moms eyes widen and then they immediately narrow. "She kissed you?" I nod my head as I watch the pot on the stove. "she doesn't see a possibility with it either." I mumble and my mom scoffs loudly. "She's always had a crush on you Peter, but she's never been so forceful with her affection. what changed?" I turn to glance at my mom and give her a pointed look. My mom continues to look at me with a confused look. I sigh as I turn down the fire on the burner slightly. "You took her home tonight." My moms mouth falls open. "Oh." I nod slowly as I add my noodles into the hot water. "She's jealous of Wendy?" I nod again pressing my spatula, into the heated liquid and submerging the noodles. "Does she have any reason to be?" I tense at the question. If she's asking then she can't tell, which is a good thing.

I immediately relax hoping my mom didn't notice. "No, of course not. Rufios the one who likes Wendy." My mom responds with a unlady like snort. "Right, I forgot you don't get crushes." I give her a small barley there shrug, I will happily keep my crush on Wendy a secret long as I can. "Well if you did, wendy would be a good one to have." That catches my attention and I break the cooking noodles apart before I turn towards my mom with a raised eyebrow. "How so?" I do my best to play off my interest in the subject as objective. "Well she's very kind, she's polite, she's friendly, and she's very maturity for her age." All of that I knew already but it's good to see my mom actually approves of the eldest Darling sibling. Not wanting to come off as if I'm too interested in the answer, I shrug. "Probably why Ruf likes her." My mom nods as she walks towards the fridge and pulls out some drinks. I turn back to my Ramen and turn down the fire mixing in the seasoning packet.

---time skip--- two hours later-----

After dinner and watching an episode of law and order that was entirely out of hand,
I told my mom good night and went back upstairs. Once I entered my room I turned on my playstation and grabbed the controller, setting it up for me to play some call of Duty. I quickly thumb through the options of game play and settle on zombies. Killing the creepy eyed things is a good way to pass some time and not have to worry about playing with other people. It's more challenging to play on your own cause you can test your own skills.

After playing for about thirty minutes, my phone goes off next to me and I glance down to surprised to see Wendy's contact name staring back at me.

Everything okay with you?
Today you seemed different
than your usual self.
From: Darling

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