Aaron prank

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We go to wake up Sam and Kat . Jake walks in and shakes Sam a bit and i jump on Kat and giggle .
Kat gasps awake . " Y/n ! That hurt ! " she giggles . " Sowwy . " i say . " We want to prank Aaron to get him up . We need your help guys " Jake says

   I crawl off Kat and go to Colby . Sam and Kat stand up . " What are we doing to him ? " Sam asks . Jake says " Im thinking the girls crack in his room and take Buddy out . Us boys will find a place to hide him amd to make it seem more believe able the girls will run in and say Buddy is lost and we will be running around outside yelling Buddy . "

      " Losing his dog ? Isnt that kind of rude ? " Devyn says . " Its just a prank.  We will give Buddy back " Colby says . " Sounds good " Sam says . I look at Devyn with a look saying ' I feel the same way but lets go with it ' .

Jake starts the camera and says quietly " Whats up guys its Jake Webber . So today we have all the roommates except for Aaron because. We are doing a prank on him . " . I look at the camera " We are gonna take Buddy and hide his cute ass then the boys are gonna run out and make it seem like they are looking for him while us girls run to Aaron and tell him Buddy is missing " i smile .

Devyn says to the camera " I just woke up but im doing it . " she hugs Corey and Corey hugs her back . Cute moment . " Lets get this started " Jake says . We walk to Aaron's room and Kat opens the door softly . I grab Buddy and hand him to Jake . Sam hands Kat a small camera and she starts it . The boys walk downstairs with him and hide him then go outside and start yelling ' Buddy ' . That is our cue . We run in and Devyn shakes Aaron . " Aaron ! Aaron ! Buddy got out ! We cant find him ! " I yell . Kat is behind trying not to let him see the camera . He jolts awake and looks around on the floor . " What !? " He screams . " Jake went to go out and he ran outside ! We cant find him now ! " Kat says .

    He runs out and we follow him trying not to laugh a bit . He runs down the stairs then outside . Not even wearing shoes . Jake is out the gate yelling " Buddy ! Come back please ! Where are you ? " . Aaron runs to him yelling in his face " You lost my dog !? What the hell !? " . Jake backs up " Dude im sorry ! And it wasnt even me who left the door open ! It was Corey ! " Corey looks at Jake " Me !? I let Navvy out back i never opened the front door ! So it had to be you , Sam , Or Colby ! "

    Aaron was already half way down the street running . I ran to Jake " Ok baby we need to stop this . He is gonna run around the whole neighborhood bare foot thinking his puppy is missing . " Before Jake could say anything i ran after Aaron . " Aaron ! Aaron stop ! " i yell to him . He doesnt stop . I hear another voice yelling his name and i look to see who it is . Its Colby who is filming . I keep running . Colby runs faster and stops Aaron showing him the camera . Without Colby even saying anything , Aaron covers his face while breathing heavy . I catch up and i feel so bad . " Aaron im sorry . It was all Jake's idea " Colby said . " Yeah he made us all go with it . " I say .

   " Dude i thought he was actually gone . Oh my gosh " He says holding his chest and his eyes were teary . I feel so bad . I look down and he walks off . Colby stops the camera and hugs me . " You ok ? " he asks and i nod . " I just feel bad for making him sad . " He nods " Its not your fault . Its Jake's . It was his idea and you were kind of forced into it . " he says . " I know but still .. " i hug him . He nods he looks down and kisses me and i kiss him back quickly . He looks up and sees Jake and stops hugging me .

  Jake walks over . " Babe why do you look like you are gonna cry ? Did Colby do something ? " he looks at Colby . " What did you do to her ? " his voice getting raised . " Baby he didnt do anything . I just feel bad for making Aaron cry . Maybe we shouldnt of done this " He looks down . " Im sorry .. It was just that i wanted to have a little fun . It was a bit extreme i know . But its over and he is with his puppy now . He is happy now its ok babygirl . "

  I nod and we walk home . For the rest of the day we all chill out and Aaron is by Buddy's side every second .

Word count - 861

A/n : Sorry ! I know i never do a/n's ,  but i just want to let you all know im trying something new . Spacing out the paragraphs . That's all ! Thank you for all the reads and votes ! <3

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