Falling for someone else part 3

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He hesitates but kisses me back . We both smile in the kiss . I pull away then look down . " Im sorry " . He goes to pull me in for another one but Jake walks in . " Uhm what are you guys doing in here ? " He asks . I look at him " He was telling me something " i stand up . " Yeah i wanted to talk to her about something . Its nothing serious " Colby says . " Uh huh . What was it ? " Jake says crossing his arms .

I walk to Jake and hug him " Baby its serious nothing . I promise . Its Colby's personal problem that he thought only i would understand . " I say . He hugs me and looks at Colby . " Well i hope she helped you . Come on baby lets go to bed . " he says and walks to the room holding my hand . I look back at Colby and smile . Colby smiles a bit and closes his door .

Me and Jake lay in our bed . " What was his problem ? " he asks me . I think of something to say . " He likes this girl and wants to know what to get for her . He thought talking to ine of you would be weird . He was gonna ask Kat or Devyn but came to me first cause they were busy at the time " I say . He chuckles . " You are taking a liking to everyone my love " . I smile " I know i am . Thats just me " i smirk at him . He smirks " My sassy girl " he kisses me . I giggle and kiss him . " Goodnight baby " i say . " Goodnight princess " he says and we fall asleep

In the morning i wake up and Jake isnt by me . I get up and brush my hair and walk downstairs . I hear Jake singing and smile . " Im making breakfast . Bacon bacon bacon bacon pancake . They gonna be so yummy yummy . Th- .. " he sees me and stops " Hi baby . When did you get there ? " i giggle " Just now " . " How much did you hear ? " he smiles . " Well let me demonstrate " i say and mimic him . He laughs and hands me a piece of bacon . I eat it " It taste good baby " i say . " Thank you . Wanna help ? " he asks . I said " Sure " and help him with the rest of the cooking and cleaning up .

When we are done , we go and wake up the roommates . He goes to Corey and Devyn first and i go to Colby . I keep thinking of last night . Remembering me and him kissing . How good it felt but also bad because of Jake . I dont want Jake to find out and break up with me . I mean , i love him so much but ... I also am starting to like Colby . I break out my thoughts and walk in Colby's room and sit on the bed . I shake him a bit . " Colby . Colby it's time to wake up . Me and the goofball made breakfast " i say . He smiles a bit " Does goofball refur to Jake ? Or anyone else in this house ? " i giggle . " Jake . The biggest goofball here

" . We both laugh and he sits up and kisses me softly . I kiss back . Then look down . He lifts my chin up . " Hey hey . What's wrong ? " . I look at him " I dont think we should be doing this Colb's . What if Jake or anyone of the roommates find out ? I dont want Jake to get mad and break up with me . " i say . He nods " I know but .. I like you . And we will keep it a secret i promise . Jake wont find out . And if he does and gets mad at you .. Im right here . I will always be here for you . Ok ? " he says . I nod .

Jake comes in . " You got him up ? " he asks . Colby quickly takes his hand off my chin and we look at him . I smile a bit . " Yup " . Seems like he didnt see . " Me and Corey thought of a plan to wake Aaron up . Lets go wake up Kat and Sam . It includes them too " . Me and Colby look at each other and smile . We get up and go and wake Sam and Kat up

There will not be a part 4 to this . Only the next chapter will be them waking Aaron up and continueing the story .
Sorry i havent posted in a while . Been busy with school . Hope you all are staying safe and happy . Happy Holidays ! I will try to post more often .

Word Count - 740

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