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Hello! I'm back! After a very long time!!

Your pov
I run down to Jake and hug him. I start to cry. " Woah woah. What happened ? Is everything ok? " I shake my head and keep crying. " Here. Shh sit down. Take deep breaths. And calm down " He says. I sit and breath. After I'm calmed down. I tell him. " Me and Colby were arguing and he raised his hand to slap me. " Jake gets pissed and walks upstairs to Colby.

Jake pov
After y/n told me that. I saw red and immediately went to Colby. I got up in his face. " What the fuck Colby!? Why would you go to hit her!? She never did anything to you and you know her past! " I yell at him. He stands up and yells back. " I never went to hit her! I raised my arms in defeat because I couldn't say anything else to her! "

" Bullshit! You're an asshole just like everyone else! " I punch him in the face. " Never come near my princess again. " I go to walk away but he punches me back and thats it. We fist fight.

Your pov
I hear them yelling them hitting so I run upstairs. " STOP!!! STOP IT!! " I run to Sam and in now starting to panic. " Sam!! Jake and Colby are fighting!! " Sam runs out and tries to pull them apart and he starts to get hit in the process. At this point I'm balling and panicking. Corey runs upstairs and sees and then takes me away. I hug him and I'm shaking. He tries to calm me down but nothing's working. I start hyperventilating and pass out.

*30 minutes later*

I wake up on my bed with a wet rag on my head. I open my eyes slowly and see Kat. " ugh what happened.. " I ask her. She shakes her head. " what happened Kat. " I demand. She tells me " Colby apparently raised his arms and you thought he was gonna hit you so you ran out the room. You told Jake and he ran up and they started fighting. Sam tried to help but he got hurt in the process. You started panicking and Corey tried to help but you passed out" I sit up fast ignoring my dizziness." WHAT!? " She gets startled. " Woah calm down Y/n. Everyone is ok. " She reassures me. I run out the room and down the stairs. I see Colby, Sam, and Jake all hurt. Colby with a black eye and bloody nose. Jake with a busted face from Colby's rings and his wrist in a wrap. And Sam's arm in a sling and bruised cheek.

I started crying. Jake came running to me. " Baby baby. It's ok. Shh. I'm ok. It don't even hurt. " I back away. " This is all my fault. " I start to panic again looking at them all. Colby walks over. " Love it's ok. Don't cry. Breath. We are ok. " Sam nods. " Just calm down Y/n. We all made up. We are fine. " I don't listen and I run out. Jake goes to run after me but Sam stops him. " Let her calm down by herself. She needs time to process this.. " They don't follow me.

I have no idea where I am going. I'm just driving around town. Everything is my fault. Maybe I should go home and pack my things and leave. Go back home to Canada. I don't know anymore. I just can't do this anymore. I drive home and went to me and Jake's shared.. well.. old shared room. I start grabbing my clothes out the closet and throwing them on the floor.

Jake walked in. Great. " woah baby what are you doing? " He ask I don't answer and keep doing it. He stops me " Baby. Stop. What are you doing? " He says. I don't look at him. I just stare at the ground and start crying. He hugs me and I try to push him away. He gets mad " What are you doing? What is this? Is it something I did? Damn I'm sorry I fought Colby cause he went to hit you. There I said it. "

I look at him. " It's all my fault! I did this! I made this happen because I'm so fucking stupid! I need to leave. I can't be here anymore. I'm going back to Canada. "

He looks at me for a few seconds and the clothes. " 1 it's not your fault. Nothing ever is. And 2 .. ok.. I'll pack my stu- " He goes to say but I stop him. " No.. just me.. myself.. goodbye Jake.. " I go to get my stuff again and wait for him to stop me but he doesn't. " Ok.. well can I get one last kiss? Or at least a hug.. since you don't love me anymore.. " I just look at him.

Sorry it's getting long. I'd like to put everything in here but it's way too long.

Word Count - 827

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