Meeting everyone

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* Y/n = Your name *
I just landed in LA . My best friend from ever since i was little is picking me up from the airport and i will be staying at her house for a while until i find my own apartment .

I walk to the baggage area to get my suitcase as i get a text . I see that its my best friend , Kat .
* Texts . K = Kat . Y = You *
K - Hey girl ! Did you land yet ?
Y - Yeah im getting my bag right now . Are you here ?
K - Yeah im outside .
Y - Ok ill be out in a second . Cant wait to see you again !
K - Me too . Im so excited . See ya !
* End of texts *

She is so sweet and kind . I love her . I see my bag coming so i run and get it then i run outside as fast as i can and see her . I run to her and hug her tight. " Katrina !! " .
She hugs me back and squeals . " Oh my god ! I missed you so much ! "

" I missed you too ! Can we go home ? I cant wait to meet everyone ! " I said walking back a bit smiling widely .

" Of course . Lets go " She said running to the drivers side of her car and getting in .

I open the back door and put my suitcase in then get in the passengers side of the car and strap myself in .

* Time skip to when they get to the house *

" Here we are " Kat said as she unlocks the door .
I walk in and i just see these two guys running around laughing and screaming like little kids . One with red hair and is so adorable , and one with blue tipped hair . Kat laughs and says " Colby ! Jake ! Come here . I want you to meet my best friend ."
The boys walk over . The blue haired boy says " Hi im Colby . We heard about you . "
Then the adorable red haired boy said " Hey im Jake " While smiling at me .

I blush and say " H-Hi im y/n "
Kat says " Where is Sam ? "
Colby says " Upstairs " as he then hits Jake with a squirt gun and runs off .

Jake yells " You bitch ! " as he runs after Colby .
Kat giggles and says " Come meet my boyfriend . "

I walk upstairs with her and into her shared bedroom . Im greeted by a blonde boy editing and drinking dr.pepper soda . The blonde boy turns around and smiles then immediately walks to Kat and kisses her " Hey baby " he says then looks at me . " You must be y/n . I heard so much about you . Im Sam . "

I smile and say " Hi Sam . Nice to meet you "
Kat smiles and says to Sam " Is Corey and Devyn here ? "
Sam says " Uhm i dont know "
Kat says " Ok well we will go check . Ill see you later baby " .
Sam nods and kisses her one more time then we walk to a door and she knocks .

A soft girls voice comes from inside . " Yee ? "
Kat smiles and says " Devy ? May i come in ? "
Then a short girl opens the door and she hugs Kat . " Hi Kat . How are you ? "
Kat says " Good and you ? "
She says " Good " . Then all of a sudden a man walks to the door and says " Hello "
Kat smiles and says " Hi " Then looks at me and says " This is y/n . She is my friend and will be staying with us for a while . Y/n this is Devyn and Corey " .

I smile and wave . They wave back and Kat says " Is Aaron h- " We all of a sudden hear an aggravated scream and they all laugh but im just worried and Kat says " Well that answers my question . Ill see you guys later " They say bye and we walk to another door and she knocks . " Aaron ? "

We hear a guys voice from inside " Hold on " . We wait like a minute or 2 then another blonde boy greets us with a little puppy in his arms . He says " Hi Kat . Hi stranger " I smile and wave .
Kat smiles and says " Hi Aaron . This is my friend y/n . She will be staying with us for a while . Y/n , this is Aaron and buddy . Aaron is the scream you heard heh . " Aaron smiles and says " Well its not my fault i died ! "

I giggle and say " Gamer type huh ? " He chuckles and nods . " Well im gonna get back to my gaming . Ill see you later " We say bye then walk downstairs . I then realize i dont know where i will be sleeping . " Oh Kat . Where is my room ? " .

Kat says " Oh jeesh . I didnt think of that . " . Jake then comes up and says " She can stay in my room if thats ok . " I blush and stay still . Kat looks at me and sees that im blushing and smiles and says " Is that ok with you y/n ? " .
Im get out of my daze and say " Y-Yeah thats ok " i smile a bit . Jake smiles and says " Ok lets go . Ill show you my room . " I blush harder and nod .

He says " Let me take your bag . You been dragging it all day " . I say ok and he grabs my bag and we walk back upstairs to his room and he sets my bag down and belly flops onto his bed . I giggle and say " Nice room and nice belly flop " . He chuckles and says " Thanks . It hurt " . I yawn from having a long day . He notices and says " Wanna take a nap here ? Ill leave you alone " . I nod and say " Please . A nap will be good . " He nods and gets up and says " See you later . Sweet dreams " I smile and lay down and say " Thank you " . As he walks out i cover up in his blanket and all i smell is his scent of colonge . It smells amazing . I soon drift off to sleep .

* Time skip to when you wake up *

I wake up and look at my phone . Its 630 . I got here at 3 so i slept for 3 and a half hours . I rub my eyes and get up and walk downstairs but hear silence . Im confused so i go to the kitchen to see only Colby eating fruit . I walk to him and ask " Where is everyone ? " . He looks at me and says " They all went out . Its just me and you right now . "

" Oh ok . " I said . It was an awkward silence untik he asked " Wanna watch tv ? " I nodded then we both walked to the couch and sat down and he put on a movie .
Me and Colby watched movies and talked and got to know each other and became closer for like an hour or 2 until everyone came back .

Corey , Aaron , and Devyn went in the game room and played games and Sam , Kat , and Jake joined me and Colby on the couch .
Sam talked to Colby about what they did and Kat and Jake told me . After they did Kat went to take a shower and Jake and me talked and got closer and got to know each other more .

I fell in love alot more but began to think it was too fast . " But yeah anyway , beware of the pranks everyone can do on you . If you feel anything suspicious , look around for a camera " Jake said to me and laughed . I giggled and said " Ill take that into mind . But you cant pull any on me "

Jake smiled and said " Dont think i wont " . Everyone went to bed and only me and Jake were up together . I became a little tired and my head found its way to his shoulder but i quickly picked it up . He then put my head back on his shoulder and i smiled . I began to think he is starting to like me too . I fell asleep on his shoulder . Today was a good day

Word count : 1327

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