Colby wants a date with you 2

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  He starts talking again " Any ways . You havent been rude . He has . The way he is talking to you . The way he is ignoring you . " he says . " Colby .. I know what you are doing . You are just trying to make me change my mind about Jake so i can date you.  I have been the mean one to Jake . This morning i started my lady thing and he instantly knew my change in mood and brought me chocolate , water , and a heating pad and i took advantage of him because i went with you . " i say

   He just looks at me then at the table . " Oh .. " is all he can say . I look down . " Ill .. I'll be right back " i say and walk to the bathroom . I walk in and walk to the sink . I cover my face . Some people walk in and i quickly change and wash my hands . The two girls from earlier walk to me . One says " So cheating on Jake with Colby ? How slutty " she says and the other one shows a picture they posted of when we walked in and Colby had is arm around me . She posted it on instagram . " And just so you know . Jake follows me . So he will see this . Jake doesnt deserve a slut like you . " she says that all in a bitchy tone .

    I just stare at her . " Really ladies ? You both are just jealous because im with Jake and you arent . You think by posting that Jake is gonna leave me and go for you ? Because you posted a picture of me hanging out with Colby and you immediately think im cheating ? As if Colby or me would ever do that to Jake . " I roll my eyes and walk out before they can even say anything . I smirk to myself and walk to the table . " Lets order " I say with a smile . He smiles a bit " Why do you look so proud ? " he asks . " Oh no reason " I say and look at the menu .

   We finish eating , pay for the check , and leave . Lets just say those girls never came back to us . We are in the car now and driving to the movies . We are talking and i told him what happened in the bathroom . I didnt tell him why i went in there in the first place though . Just what happened with the girls . He found it hilarious . We pull up the the movies and walk in . We find a movie to watch and lay for the tickets . We pay for drinks and popcorn and candy . We walk in and find our seats .

   I get out my phone to silence it and see a text from Jake .

J - Hey . How are you ?
Y - Im good and you ?
J - Im ok . I miss you
Y - I miss you too . We will be home soon
J - What are you guys doing ?
Y - We went to lunch and now we are seeing a movie
J - Oh ok . Are you having fun ?
Y - Yes . Wyd ? ( What are you doing )
J - Im just watching tv . Boring ..
Y - Ask one of the boys to hang out
J - They are all out . Devyn and Kat are here . Maybe ill ask them to hang
Y - Ok have fun
J - You too

  That was the texts . I dont know what is going on but we are falling apart for sure and i hate it . He wants me for himself and so does Colby . Its a damn love triangle except the boys arent in love . Whatever . Ill figure it out . I silence my phone and turn it off . I sigh to my self for like the 50th time today .
The movie starts and we watch it . I eventually feel Colby's arm around my shoulders and i lean into him . I dont think anything of it .

   Half way through the movie i feel him lift my chin up to him and i look at him . He looks in my eyes " Jake doesnt deserve such a sweet girl like you " he says and leans down to kiss me . I hesitate " Col-" i go to say his name to stop me but he kisses me before i can . I blush widely and kiss him back . He pulls away after a few seconds and smiles as he rests his forehead on mine . I dont say anything cause im in shock . He pulls away and looks at me smiling . I look at him . " Uh .. I .. " i stutter and cant get any words out .

   He just chuckles and watches the movie as he holds me . I look and watch the movie without saying anything . After the movie is over we get up and throw our trash away . We walk outside still not saying anything . He opens the door for me . " Sooo . Wanna go for a drive or something ? Or go home ? " he asks and i get him and look at him . " Still speechless ? " he smiles and closes the door then gets in on the drivers side . He starts driving and i finally talk . " Where are we going ? " i say . He gasps playfully " She speaks ! " i giggle . He smiles " Its up to you . What do you wanna do ? " he ask . " Lets just go for a drive . Its almost 4 so we can just take the long way home and enjoy the scenary . " i say . He nods " Ok " and he turns on the radio . We talk and drive home

    Once we get home i walk in and i cant believe what i see . Jake kissing another girl . I close the door before Colby can see . " What ? " he asks . I hold back my tears . " I just remembered we are almost out of food .  Lets go to the grocery store . " I say . " Uh ok ? " he says and we walk back to the car . I text Jake
Y - Hey we are going to the store . When i text you when we are coming back can you help bring in groceries ?

   He doesnt text back for a few minutes then eventually he does .
J - Yeah . Just lmk
   I dont text back and look out the window and let the tears fall but make sure Colby doesnt see .

  This took a turn . I dont know what happened. This chapter was all over the place . There will just be new chapter to add to this . I wont leave you hanging for a while though . I will write later .  Its crazy . Love you !

Word count - 1075

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