Jolby Date 2

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( I wish i had more pictures of Jake and Colby ! But this one is cute 😊 . Also still Jake's pov ) 

  " Baby im bi sexual . I think its pretty obvious . " He says and laughs . I smile " Yeah but i didnt know . I thought you were straight . " He smiles . The waiter comes back and we order our food . We eat and talk .

   Once we leave we sit in the car and sit in silence for a few minutes . " Who will you marry first ? " Colby asks . I sit and think "  Probably y/n . Since ive been with her for a while . Then we will marry you . Me first then maybe her . We have to come out first . Plus i dont know how to roommates or the fans with think of us . They didnt handle Y/n very well so .. " i say . " True " he says . We think of where to go . " Where do you wanna go now baby ? " he asks . I smile " I wanna go home and have our spa night ! Just to ourselves ! No girls or other boys ! " He laughs . " What if the boys intrude and see it ? What will we say ? " he says . I say " I will yell '  GET OUT !! THIS IS OUR SPA !! PAY 1000 DOLLARS TO GET IN !!! ' and kick at them " I smile . He laughs " What if they pay 1000 dollars ? " he says . I sit there . " Then ill them in " i say and we laugh .

    We drive home and i get out and grab the bags . We walk in sneak upstairs cause Sam , Aaron , and Corey are in the game room . The girls are probably out .  We walk up my bathroom and set the bags down . " Who first ? " i say . " Uhm you ? " he questions and i nod . He goes out and grabs a chair as i walk to my room and get dressed in clothes i dont mind getting nail polish or hair dye on . Basically just sweatpants and an old t-shirt . Colby walks back in and i see he is comfy too . He sets the seat down and i sit . He puts the gloves on and starts setting up the hair dye . Mean while im texting Y/n .

* Texts *

Y - Hi babe ! How is the date ?
J - It was good . Me and Colby are just having a spa night 💅
Y - Lol cutie . We are at the mall right now . Just got done getting starbucks and chik-fil-a . Im officially one of the girls !
J - Lmao yes you are love . On your way home may you pick up a coffee from starbucks for me ? And Colby wants one too
Y - Yeah of course ill lyk when we are almost home . Love you 2 !
J - We love you too babe . Bye bye have fun !
Y - You too !

* End of texts *

    Colby has started on my hair and im just scrolling through instagram while music plays . We are singing and jamming out and overall just having a great time . I look in the mirror and i smile at my new hair . He puts the shower cap on and sits next to me and starts doing my nails . I was about to lean over and kiss him but someone knocks on the door . " Who ! " i yell . Sam is at the door " Hey what are you two doing in there ? " he asks opening the door . I stick to my word and kick at him " GET OUT !!! THIS IS OUR SPA !!! NOONE ELSE IS ALOUD UNLESS YOU PAY 1000 DOLLARS !!! " Colby is dying of laughter and Sam closed the door so fast with a terrified face .

   Me and Colby are laughing so hard . Sam hasnt came back . Neither have the others came up here . He still paints my nails " I cant believe you actually kicked and yelled at Sam " He says and i smile . " I stick to my words baby bubba "

     Soon i get a text from Y/n saying she is almost home . " The girls are almost home . " I say and he nods . Once my nails are dry , Colby helps me wash the hair dye out and i dry my hair off with an old towel . Once its somewhat dry to where it won't drip dye everywhere , i start doing Colby's . Soon we hear another knock and i bend down to Colby's ear " This time you kick at them " i say . He smiles " What if is Y/n ? " he asks . I shrug . " Who ? " Colby says " Its meee . With your starbucks " Y/n says in a sing songy way . She tries opening the door . He opens it then takes the cups." Wow Jake i love your hair . And your nails . And Colby . I like the purple " She says . We smile and say thank you . Then we both yell at her and shoo her away like " GET OUT NOW !!! ITS OUR SPA AND YOU NEED TO PAY 1000 DOLLARS TO GET IN !!! " She jumps and giggles " Ok ok ! Ill leave ! " she says and walks out . We hear Sam " Dont worry . They did that to me too . " and Y/n laugh . Itd just the goofballs being the goofballs . We smile and laugh

     Soon im done and paint Colby's nails then wash his hair out . Once its done and he dries it he looks at it . " Oh Wow thanks love . It looks amazing " He says and i smile . " And your job was amazing . " He smiles and we kiss for a minute or two . He kind of pushed me against the wall making me softly moan . But we stopped cause people were still up and we didnt want them to hear us . That will be for when either everyone is out or asleep and only the two or three of us are up .

Ahh this is cute and ends a little hot but i love it . Thank you for the idea by lizzieo_is_here . You should go check them out ! Their story is great as well .

Word count - 983

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