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We walk into the room and we see her laying on the bed with her eyes closed. The nurse whispers softly. " Y/n darling. Your brother and boy friend are here to see you. " She says and Y/n opens her beautiful eyes. Jake walks to her and softly kisses her cheek. " Hey baby. You don't look to good but i can still see your beauty " he says and she smiles. She looks at me and i smile. " Hey. " I say and walk next to Jake. She stops smiling once she sees my face and we see her tear up.

    " No no love its ok. It doesnt hurt that bad. Im more concerned about you right now. " i say and the nurse walks out. I kiss her head. She silently cries and tries to speak. Jake stops her. " Dont talk babe. " he kisses her lips and i do after. She looks at her chest thats covered up then pulls it down and me and Jake both look away while saying " Woah! " shw softly giggles then stops. We look and she has actually two bullets holes. One i didnt know about and i got more pissed. " Thought he only shot you once.. " i said meaning to say in my head.

    She looks at me confused and whispers. " I-i dont know. But man my private hurts. " Jake now looks pissed " He raped you didnt he? " he asks and we both nod. " He tied me up and made me watch.. I was screaming for him to stop and she was crying the whole time. Hey princess why dont i go get you some water hm ? " i ask and she nods. " A-and food? " she asks cutely and i smile a bit and nod. I walk out and start to tear up.

Jake pov

    Colby left to get her water and food while i stayed. I rubbed her none hurt arm." Baby. When you are all better and can get out of here we are gonna take it slow but i .. We want to take you out on a date. Just the three of us. It'll be dinner then anything yoy want to do you just need to take it slow. Ok ?"  I say and smile. She smiles and nods. Colby comes back with some fruit and water. She tries to sit up so i help her

      She whines in pain and i sigh quietly. I help her eat and he helps her drink some water. She eats like a baby its adorable. After she is done , i figure she needs some sleep. So me and Colby kiss her goodnight and leave. We all go home and just lay around.

* Time skip to the house *

    We are all at least happy now we know she is ok. I take Colby to the bathroom to clean his wounds up. He sits on the towel and i stand in front of him. I start to clean a cut he has on his arm. " So what did you exactly do when you went to go find her ? " i ask. " Uhm i drove around town looking for her and i thought of when you two went to the fair. I thought of the texts and it hit me. I remembered how you described him. I found a lady and asked if knew if a guy who looked like him lived around her. She told me that she always hears screaming and he is real mean which was true. But i went to the house and tried breaking down the door. I gave up and walked around the back and got in throught the back door he left unlocked. " I cut him off by chuckling. " Idiot "  i say and he smiles " I know right."

     He continues " Anyway i walked all around the house and couldnt find anyone. So i went to the basement and tried unlocking it. I couldnt so i went to go find a key. He walked in the house and started fighting me. I heard banging from inside the basement so i yelled ' Im coming baby' but then he knocked me out. The next thing i remember is waking up next to her and seeing her bruised and cut up face... It was heart breaking.. " He looks at me and im pissed and sad. He rubs my arm and i smile a bit. I kiss him and he kisses back.

    I grabbed a ice pack and put it over his eye and told him to hold it there. I bandaged up his cuts and held two other ice packs to the other bruises. I sigh and left it there. When its been a while we walk downstairs and i let Shadow outside. I start to attempt to make pizza. Key word, attempt. I put it in the oven and set it for an hour. " You cooking? You are gonna burn the house down. " Colby says and i smile and sat on the couch. We turn on a movie and wait till the pizza is done. Well that is cut short by hearing a beep but not the oven beeping. The fire alarm beeping.

    We stand up fast and i run to the oven. I take the pizza out and throw it outside. I fan the air with a towel whike Colby runs outside and sprays the pizza that is flaming with fire with the water hose. The roommated run downstairs to see what is going on. " What is happening !? " Sam yells. " JAKE TRIED TO COOK A PIZZA!! " Colby yells. " Im sorry i wanted pizza and Sam cookd almost every night !! In sorry i never took a cooking lesson !!! Im sorry i tried to be a good roommate !! " I yell genuinely pissed off because i always get shamed whenever i cook for having bad cooking skills. This is the way to learn right? By making mistakes ? Hmm..

    Dont think ill ever try to be a good roommates again and just let everyone do everything by themselves cause i screw uo everything all the time. Is Y/n getting kidnapped my fault to?

Ooo bad cooking Jakey. Ayee! Hope you guys like my story so far!! Please please please let me knoe what you would like me to write! Thank you! <3

Word Count - 1048

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