Date Night 3

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Before we arrive at our third location i told Jake to blindfold himself and i started the camera . " Hello guys . Ok so we are about to go to our third location . I wanted it to be a surprise for Jake so i blindfolded him " i say " Ahh im so nervous . Why do i need to be blindfolded ? " he asked and i just giggle and keep driving . " Love ? You're scaring me " he said and i still didnt say anything .

     We finally pulled up to it and i park . " Ok guys we are here . You ready Jake ? " i say as i take the camera off the car tripod . He nods . " 3 .. 2 .. 1 ! " i say and he takes it off . " Babe ? What is this ? " i look at where we are . " Its a car shop . Didnt you say yours was dying ? " he nods and looks at the shop . " But i dont .. Have any money for a car - .. No baby dont spend your money on a car for me . Please " . He said and pouts . " Jake stop this . Stop acting like im spending my money recklessly . Im spending it on you for a new car so you dont breakdown in the middle of the street stranded one day . Go pick out a car " I say looking mad but trying to smile . He sighs and gets out while taking the camera .

    I walk with him while he looks around , showing the camera the cars , and talking to the camera . I sit on a bench in the shop and go on my phone .  A guy walks to me . " Boyfriend took you here ? " he says and i look up " Excuse me ? " he sits down . " You came with your boyfriend huh ? " he says . " Oh yeah but i brought him here . Im just sitting down so he can look by himself . " I scoot away a bit because im getting uncomfortable . I look back at my phone and hear him say

" Damn you are beautiful . Why dont you ditch him and come with me ? Ill take you out on a nice date . " I look at him shocked and just scoff and walk off . I find Jake and he backs into me . " Oh ! Im sorry love . You are so tiny i didnt realize you were right there " he chuckles and i smile a bit and look around to see if the guy followed me . He didnt .

     " Find a car yet ? " i ask " Yeah i think im gonna take this one "

     " Find a car yet ? " i ask " Yeah i think im gonna take this one "

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He says and i nod . I look at the price . " Ok not too bad " I look around for a worker . Jake wraps his arm around my waist and i hug him . We find a guy and i pay for the car . The guy gives Jake papers to sign and the keys .

    Jake turns the camera off . " Ok babe . Sit in the car and tell me what you think " here comes the car loving side of Jakey . I sit in the car " Wow this is nice . " i say " Right ? Man . Thank you so much baby but once again you do not need to do this . Dont spend your hard earned money on me for a date . I know you wanna do something nice for me cause i been doing things for you . But please . " He says and i look down . " I just .. Wanted to ... Ok fine ! I just thought our relationship was falling apart and i wanted to do something nice to tighten it ! Ok ? " i say and walk out . I sigh once i get outside and tear up .

     He walks to me . " Baby im sorry i didnt know . Thank you so much for what you done . Look , lets take this car . They said they will keep the car and take it to wherever they take it . You will be the first to drive it . Ok ? " he hugs me and kisses my head and i nod . We walk to the car and the worker drives it out the shop ( i dont know how this works ) . I see the guy from earlier and hold Jake's hand and we walk back to the car . We get in and i start it . " Wait ! We need to get everything from your old car into this one . " I say . " Oh right . " Jake says and we start taking everything out of the other car and out it in this one .

    Once we are finished we drive it and he is loving it . I smile at his cuteness . It is around 4 to 5 now . Starting to get dark cause winter. ( I dont know how LA works Please tell me if it gets dark during winter around there ) . We finally arrive at the last location . Which is home . " Oh . You had only 3 things planned ? " He said . I shake my head . " Then what else ? We are home love " He says and i start the camera . " Hello guys . So that was our date . Thank you for tagging along . And dont worry , if you are wondering , we did get everything out of the other car into this one . Thanks for watching . We love you . Dont forget to like , comment , and subscribe ! . Say your goodbyes bub " I say and Jake says his outro and we stop the camera .

    " What are we doing now ? " he asks and i just stare at him . I think he gets the hint 😏 and blushes . We both run out the car and run inside . He picks me up and i giggle and he runs up to our room . We do the deed . Once we are done we are just laying in bed cuddling . He breaks the silence " Thank you for this day baby . It was amazing . " He says kissing my head . I smile . " You are welcome lovely . Goodnight " i say and he says goodnight and we soon fall asleep . Today was .. Good but ok with the little argument we had .

Yay ! This chapter is done ! Hope you guys liked it ! Please comment if you have any ideas for chapters on this or the Colby one . Thank you ! <3

Word Count - 992

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