First kiss

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In the morning i woke up beside of Jake . I looked at him sleeping peacefully and smiled . I said to myself " Cutie " . We arent dating but i already developed a crush for him the second i saw him yesterday .

   I got up slowly and walks downstairs to the kitchen . I smell amazing cooking and see its Devyn cooking . I say " Morning Devyn . " She looks at me and smiles " Good morning . Y/n right ? "

  I smile and nod . " How did you sleep ? " I ask her . " Good and you ? " she asks . I say good then we talk and get to know each other .

   After we get to know each other i ask her " Have any plans today ? " . " Oh yeah . Me and Kat were gonna meet up with 2 other girls and go to the mall if you wanna come " She says . " Sure . I'd love to go " I say and she smiles .

  I think and then ask her " Do you know if Jake is single ? I know its my second day here but .. I like him " . She smiles and says " Yes he is single " . I smile and say " Thank you " .

* Time skip to the mall *

I have now met Xepher and Cassie . All Kat's friends are so sweet and kind and funny .

   Kat notices ive been not really paying attention and asks me whats wrong . " Oh nothing " i say but in reality i was thinking if i do get with Jake if he would treat me like my last relationship .

   My past boyfriend was abusive . He hurt me and made me feel like i wasnt good enough . He called me bad names and made me very insecure . It was one of the reasons why i moved to LA . Im still somewhat insecure but not as much as i was when i was with him .

  Jake doesnt seem like the type of guy that would do that but you cant always tell by the first meet because my past boyfriend seemed like that too the first time i met him .

   " Are you sure you're ok y/n ? " Xepher asks . I look at them and nod " Girls im really ok . Thank you for asking though " i smile . They nod and continue talking and we continue shopping .

    Cassie , Xepher , and Devyn went in one store that me and Kat didnt need or want anything from so me and her sat in the bench outside the store . " So Devyn told me you like Jake . " She says . " Uhh yeah i do heh " I say .

   She smiles and says " Well i think he likes you too . The way he smiled at you yesterday when he first met you and the way he offered his room right up for you to stay in " . I smile and say " Now that you say that i think so too "

  " You should make a move or tell him " She says . Im taken back and say " No ! I cant do that ! .. I'm too much of a wimp anyway . Plus its too early . He'll think im a freak who gets attached to easily "

   " No he wont . Trust me . " She says . I say ok but im not gonna do it right now . Its too early for me and im too scared .

* Time skip to at home *

Jake has let me use half of his closet that wasnt being used . So im putting all my clothes in it and shoes and suit case . It all fits perfectly .

   Jake walks in and sees me color cordinating my side and smiles " Ocd ? " he asks and i chuckle " No i just like things neat " .

    Jake nodded and looked down a bit . I look at him then back at what i was doing . " Need any help ? " He asks me . " Uhm please . Can you put the shirts and pants on hangers for me please ? " . He nods and walks to me and starts to help me . I smile .

  After we are done we sit on his bed and watch netflix together . I wanted to kiss him so much but i didnt have the courage .

   I look up at him . He looks at me and smiles . I blush as we stare into each others eyes . He soon moves closer to me and i blush more . Our lips soon touch and we share a soft and long kiss . Our lips move in sync as we continue to kiss

  We pull away after a minute of kissing and he looks at me and says " Y/n , will you be my girlfriend ? " . I smile big and say " Yes of course i will " .

   We finish watching netflix for a while , while cuddling then we fall asleep in each other's arms .

Word count : 774

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