Caught red handed

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Part 1

Today was my birthday but i forgot . Jake was out all day with Colby . I was watching movies in our room . Kat comes to the door and knocks . I say " Come in ! " . She walks in " Wanna go do something with the girls ? " she asks me . " Sure . Let me get dressed . " I say and close my computer .

I get up and put on a pink dress and shoes . I walk downstairs and see Kat and Devyn just sitting there talking . " Im ready " i say and they look my way . " Oh my god . I love that dress . Im glad you bought it . It looks so good on you " Devyn says and i smile . " Thank you " i say . " It really does look good . I should of got one like it " Kat says and i say thank you again . " Ready to go ? " i say and they nod .

We go and get lunch then walk to the beach . " It's such a nice day out today " i say . " Yeah . Wanna go home and swim ? " Kat says . " I dont have a bathing suit " i say as i look down . " We can lend you one " they say . " Ok . Let's go " i say and we go home .

We are in Sam and Kat's room and i am trying on one of Kat's bathing suits . She is a bit taller than me so its a little big . " Its kinda big " they look at me and smile . " Its perfect ! " Devyn says and claps a bit . " Yeah it fits well . You can keep it . " Kat says . " Ok thank you . Lets go swim gals " I say and we walk to the pool .
We are swimming around for a bit , having fun , being stupid until we hear something from inside . I go to check but the girls try and stop me.

" No no . Dont go in there . " Kat says and i look back . " Why ? Someone could be hurt Kat " i say as i try to go again . " Please dont . I swear " Devyn says and i start to get worried . " Why ? " i kinda yell . " Uhh because we wanna keep playing and its probably nothing " Kat says and smiles nervously . " We can play when i get back . I just wanna go check if every thing is ok . " i smile a bit and walk inside .

I see red all over the floor by the stairs and i run to them . I see Jake and Colby on the stairs shocked with red paint splattered everywhere and on their hands . " What are you guys doing ? " i say really confused . " Uhh .. " Colby says and looks at Jake . Jake looks at me and Colby while trying to say something but just moving his lips and struggling to find what to say . " Spit it out baby " i say then he sighs . " Me and Colby were throwing you a party .. We asked the girls to take you out and try to distract you... " . He says sadly . " And the pain situation ? " i say smiling at him . " We were gonna paint you a big 'Happy birthday ' sign " Colby says . I smile and cross my arms " Well it looks like i caught you boys red handed " I giggle . They smile and chuckle a bit .

Word count : 531

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