Date Night

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Tonight i want to plan a date night for me and Jake . Lately , it feels like we are drifting apart . Today is gonna be about me and Jake .

    I wake up trying not to wake Jake up  and take a shower . Once im done i get out and dry my hair and body and get dressed . Im wearing a red skirt and black crop top with black heels with skin colored nylons .

     I do my hair and make up and i dont realize Jake woke up and walked to me . He kissed my head " Hey love . You look pretty . Why so dressed up ? " I smile and turn around to him ."  I have a day planned for us . Get dressed goofball " he smiles and says " What do you have planned ? " i say " I cant tell you . " He says ok and gets dressed . I finish my makeup .

      We walk down stairs and i grab his keys before he can . " Oh thats right . You have to drive heh " he says . I giggle . " Yup " . I grab my purse and before we walk out , Colby walks down .

  " Where are you two going so dressed up ? " I look at him and before i could say something , Jake says " We are having a date day . I dont know what she has planned . But .. " Colby nods . " Ok well have fun " he walks to the kitchen . " Bye Colby " I say and walk outside .

    " Ok that was weird " Jake says as we get in the car " What was ? " i ask . " Colby . " he says " He just asked where we were going . " I say and start the car . " Mm . Anyways where we going first princess ? " he asks . I smile " You will see " . I say and drive .

      While we are driving Jake sees his camera in the back . " Oh should we record this ? Like a date vlog ? " He asks. " If you want to we could " I say and he grabs the camera . I pull over and park so we can start the vlog . He starts the video " Whats up guys its your boy , Jake Webber and today im am here once again with my baby girl y/n " I smile and wave to the camera cutely " Hello everyone " He smiles at me with pure love in his eyes and looks at the camera

    " Today is not the usual chaotic video . It is a sweet love video . Y/n has a whole date night planned for us two and we thought it would be cool if you guys tag along . " He says . I smile " Yeah . Not like it was supposed to just be us " I joke and giggle . " The more the merrier princess " He says and kisses my cheek . I smile and drive

    " Right now we are driving to our first location . " I say " How many places you got planned ? " He ask and i say " A lot bub " he nods " Ok well we will meet yall at the place " He says and covers the camera with his hand and turns it off . " Never saw you do that transition " i say . " Always something new to try " he says

* Time Skip To The First Location *

We pull up into a parking lot and its a small carnival . " A carnival ? " He asks and i nod " I think we be here for maybe 2 hours or so then go to the next place ? " He nods and starts the camera " This is her first thing she had planned . A carnival " He says to the camera and shows them . " I think to be here for two hours or so then go to the next place . And you can come with us if they let us film . If not we will see you guys next and we are sorry "

    We get out and walk to the front and get our wristbands . We walk in and start filming . " What do you want to do Jake ? " i say . He shrugs and looks around .

This is getting kinda long so im gonna stop it here . Ill post a part two and hope there isnt multiple parts like the " Falling for someone else " Chapter . Once again sorry i havent posted in a while . By the way , I have a new story !  Its one like this but you are dating Colby insted . I havent posted it or started it but i am going to make it soon . Please if you have any ideas for a chapter for this or the Colby one please comment . Thank you ! <3

Word Count - 744

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