Colby wants a date with you

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I wake up and look at my phone . 7 am . I sigh and try going back to sleep . I cant so i look at Jake and he is still sleeping . I get up and grab some clothes and get dressed . I put my hair in a messy bun and walk downstairs . I feel lazy today when i normally just get all dressed up but today i dont feel like it .

     I walk to the kitchen and get some cereal and go on my phone . I check the comments from yesterday " Wow she is rude to Jake .. Yeah why did she yell at him for what he said ... How can she afford a car ? ... She is only famous from Jake . Stop acting like this is your channel .. Jake needs to make more videos by himself . After she got with him is only been her "

     I turn my phone off and put my head down . Colby walks downstairs ." Good morning . How was your date yesterday ? You guys were pretty loud after it " he smirks then realizes something . " Hey whats wrong ? " he sits next to me . " Nothing " I say and look at him . " You look sad " he says . I sigh and show him the comments . He rolls his eyes " Hey . Dont listen to them . You guys are perfect and you got famous on your own . They are just jealous of your beauty and cause you are with Jake . And i watched the video , he kept saying to not spend your money and that can get annoying i know " i smile a bit . " Thanks Colby . " he smiles and hugs me . I hug him back .

   " Wanna do something with me today ? " he asks . I look at him " Like what ? " i ask . He shrugs " Like go out ? " he says . " Uh like a date ? " i ask . " You can call it that if you want " he smiles . " Uhm wont Jake be suspicious ? And i dont feel like getting dolled up again " i say . " You dont have to . You are beautiful just the way you are . And who cares if Jake says anything . You are hanging out with me . So what ? He cant keep you to himself 24/7 " He says . I dont say anything back . " Well just let me know by 12 . " he says and walks off seeming mad . I tear up and put my bowl in the sink and walk upstairs and feel something .. I run to the bathroom and check .. My period .. I sigh loud and use a sanitary product . I walk to the bed and lay down .

  Jake wakes up and hugs me . I push his hand off . " Whats wrong ? " he says . I shake my head and look at my phone . " Ill be right back . " He says and leaves . He comes back a few minutes later with a heating pad , water , and chocolate . He turns the heating pad on and puts the chocolate on the night stand with the water . He tells me to lay on my back and he puts the heating pad on my stomach . I smile .

" Thank you love . Uhh hey is it ok if i hang out with Colby today ? He asked me earlier " . He sits by the bed . " Sure . What we doing ? " he says . " We ? Oh no i meant like just us two " I say and he looks at me . " You two ? Alone ? What are you doing ? " i shrug " He just asked me to hang out . Why is it such a big deal ? " i say . " Its not . I just wanna know . "

   " Well i dont know what he has in mind . Ill tell you later . " I say and he says fine and watches tv . I text Colby .

Y- What did you have in mind ?
C - Maybe going to lunch and go see a movie
Y - That sounds alright . What time you want me to be ready ?
C - Is Jake saying anything ? Maybe round 1 .
Y - He seems jealous but ok with it
C - Ok meet me downstairs around 1 ill be ready .
Y - Ok see you .

    1 o clock comes around and i walk downstairs . Jake stops me " Hey where are you going ? " he asks . " To hang with Colby ? " I say . " Oh . Uh ok . Have fun . " He says and walks back in the room . I walk to Colby . " Heyy you look nice " He says . " Thank you . Not too bad yourself " I say . Kat runs down " Y/n ! Hey you wanna go shopping today with the girls ? " she asks with a big smile on her face . I look at her guiltily . " Ohh im so sorry Katrina . Me and Colby are hanging today . Maybe tomorrow ? " i say . She stops smiling " Oh uh yeahh . Thats fine . Can i talk to you first ? " She asks . I nod and we walk to the table . " Why are you going out with Colby ? " She asks " He asked me to . Its not a date Kat " i say . " I know its just .. Weird cause you are with Jake . " I nod " I know .. But its fine . We are just friends . Why is everyone making it a big deal ? " she looks a little hurt . " Im sorry .. Uh ill see you tomorrow . Have fun " She says and walks off .

   I stare at the floor and walk to Colby . " Lets just go .. " i say and walk to his car . He follows and we get in and drive . We are silent the whole way until we get to the restaurant . We pull up and get out . We walk in and get sat at a table . I see some girls looking at us and whispering . Colby notices too . " Probably fans . Hey i wanted to talk to you . Thats why i took you out ." He says . I look at him " So speak brotha . " I say . He smiles a bit " Uhm .. Jake has been acting a bit rude lately . Dont you think ? " i shake my head " No . If anything i have .. " i say and play with the wrapped up silverware . He goes to say something but the waiter comes by asking for drinks . We order our drinks and she walks off . He starts talking again .

Sorry to leave you off. I have doing parts as well but these just get so long . Im sorry there will have to be a part 2 and hopefully it will be the last and i cant get back to doing 1 page chapters . Sorry ive been out . Been busy with school . Thank you for all the reads ! Love you ! <3

Word Count - 1071

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