Jolby Date

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This story goes out to lizzieo_is_here .

* Jake's pov *
I want to have a date with Colby . Ive actually had a crush on him for a while . Almost a year . But i always thought he was straight . Im a closeted bi . But when i met Y/n ny world lit up and i kind of forgot about my crush for Colb's . Turns out he likes me too . I walk down stairs and see Colby and Y/n making breakfast and i walk down and look around to see if anyone else is around . They arent .

I walk to them and kiss them . " Hello babes . " I say . Y/n smiles " Hi bub " she is so adorable . Colby smiles . " So what are we doing today loves ? " i ask . " Im going out with the girls . Sorry . We made plans yesterday . " Y/n says . I nod and look at Colby " I wanna go out on a date with you " i say and he smiles . " Sounds great babe " . Hearing him call me babe makes my heart flutter .

I help them finish breakfast and eat grab plates and eat . I write i not to out sleepy roommates in saying to heat it up . I go get dressed and so does Colby . I get dressed nice . Y/n is doing her make up and says " You never get that dressed when we went on dates . " she giggles . I smile " Well our next date i will get dressed in a suit . Ok ? " i kiss her head and she giggles . " Yay ok . Have fun love " she says " You too baby . " I grab my wallet and phone and kiss her one last time and walk out . I wait downstairs for him. He takes so long .

He finally comes down and i smile " You look good . " i say and he smiles " Thanks . You too " i smile and walk outside . " Whose car ? " i ask . " Lets take your new one . " he says . I nod and walk to my car that y/n bought me . I smile as i get in . I love this car and could never thank that beautiful angel enough for it . I turn the car on and i start driving . " Where do you wanna go first ? " Colby asked . I think . " Uhmm i dont know ... I didnt plan it out " i say and laugh . He laughs too . He shakes his head . " Well then . Lets just see where the road takes us . Fill up your gas we might be out all day . " he says and i nod .

I drive to a gas station and fill up my gas tank . I get back in and we drive again . We are just driving and talking while listening to music until i see a festival . I park and look around . " Wanna check this out ? " i ask and he nods . We get out and walk into the festival . We look around and its more of an outdoor flea market . We still look around and i hold Colby's hand . I see Colby looking at one stand and i see another stand . I walk to it and its all rings . I smile and look around . I see some rings Colby would love and i pick it out and pay for it . I hide it in my pocket and walk back . I see him doing the same thing and smile . I walk to him " What you hiding ? " i ask playfully . " What are you hiding " He smiles . " Nofin " I say cutely . He smiles and kisses me . We walk off and we go to my stands .

Once we spend like an hour there we walk to the car . " So what did you hide earlier " he asks . I hand him the rings and he gasps . " Babe i love them ! Thank you so much ! " he puts them on and i smile and kiss him . He hands me a locket necklace and a cross one . I smile " Awe thanks bubba . I love them . " I smile and he does too. He thinks " Can i try driving ? I know where to go . " he says and i nod and we switch spots . He drives and i watch the scenary pass by . We pull up to the mall and i know what he is thinking . I look at him and smirk . " Hot topic ? " i ask . He smiles " Hot topic " We just sit there for a few seconds then we both run out as i beep lock the car and we run into the mall and runs straight to hot topic while holding hands .

Its seems like a cheesey emo movie . We run in and i stop and breathe heavy . I immediately walk to the band shirts aisle and look . He walks to the hair dye and nail polish . I pick some shirts in my size and walk to him . " I want to dye my hair black " ( as in the picture ) . I say . " Really ? I wanted to dye mine purple " He says . I smile big " Make over night ! I can dye your hair and you can dye mine ! We can paint out nails too ! " i say sounded so fucking gay . He laughs . " Ok babe . But lets go to Sally's for the dye . " He says and i nod . We pick out the nail polish and he grabs some shirts . We pay for them and get out and drive to Sally's . I pick out my black and pick up gloves . He picks out his shade of purple and we buy them .

" Any where else you wanna go ? " I ask as we get in the car . He smiles " Tender greens for lunch ." I smile " Of course you want tender greens Colb's " He smiles and says weirdly " I love it ! Probably more than you love Taco bell ! " he says . I gasp " Nothing can beat my love for taco bell ! " he looks taken back . " Not even us ? " he says playfully . " What ? No . I love you guys more but i love Taco bell alot " i say . He smiles and we drive to tender greens . We walk in and get seated . We order drinks . " Hey can i tell you something ? " i say holding his hand . " Yeah whats up ? " he asks looking a little worried . " Ive liked you for a while . Almost 2 years actually . " I say . " Why did you tell me ? " he asks . " I thought you were straight . " I say and chuckle " I thought if i asked you out you would think im weird and hate me " I say

There will be a part 2 ! Sorry ! Love you <3 !

Word count - 1075

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