Bad day

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⛔TW! This contains abuse and physical fighting . If you get triggered by that im sorry ⛔

I woke up and Jake was watching youtube . He looks at me , " Hey beautiful . How did you sleep ? " . I smile ," Good and you handsome ? " . He smilee back and says good . " Do you wanna go out today ? " He asks me . " Uhm i dont know LA that well around . But sure " I say and he smiles . " Ill show you around princess " He says sweetly .
I get up and get dressed . Im wearing a white crop top , jean shorts , and white sneakers . Jake is wearing one of his black merch shirts and black ripped jeans with converse shoes .

He looks at me and smiles " You look cute " . I smile " Thank you . You look good " i say . " Thank you . Ready to go ? " he says . I nod and grab my phone and we walk outside to his car and he opens the door for me . " Thank you baby " i say as i get in and he closes the door for me .
I put my seatbelt on as he gets in and puts his on . " Where are we going first ? " i ask him . " I was thinking maybe we can go to a carnival or something . Or just take a drive " he says . I smile at the carnival idea . " A carnival sounds good " . He nods and we start driving and talking .

* Time skip to when we get to the carnival *

We are walking around until Jake stops me . " Hold on babe . Ill be right back . I just need to use the bathroom " . I nod as he walks in the bathroom . I stand outside waiting until i hear my name being called . I look up and see my ex boyfriend . I get scared as he walks to me . " Hey . What are you doing here ? " He asks me . " Uhh j-just hanging out . " I say nervously .

He can tell im nervous . " Are you ok ? " he asks me . " Yeah im fine . Why are you here ? " i ask him trying to make it not so noticeable that im nervous . He sighs and goes to kiss me but i pushed him away and immediately regret it . " What was that for ? " he says as he tries to kiss me again . I move away . I went to go say that i have a boyfriend but when i do he slaps me across the face " Why the fuck are you denying me !? "

I yelp in pain and hold my cheek as Jake walks out and pushes him hard . " Yo ! Why the fuck did you just hit her !? " he yells at my ex . That really pissed him off and he pushed Jake back and says " This is none of your buisness kid ! Get out of here ! " . " Oh Really !? Because thats my girlfriend you just slapped ! So it is my buisness ! Either you get out of here right now or else something is gonna happen ! " . I try to get them to stop but they arent listening .

" Fine " my ex says as he grabs my wrist tight and starts to walk away . Jake pulls me back and punches my ex . I scream " Jake No !! " . My ex punched Jake back and they start to fist fight . I start screaming for them to stop but they arent . My ex pushed Jake down and all i can see is Jake's bloody and bruised face and i start crying . Jake stands up and i slap my ex . " Just Get Out Of Here !! All You Do Is Cause Chaos And Start Problems !! Just Leave !! Im Done With You !! I Moved On And You Should Too !! Im Not Going Back To You And I Never Will !! " . I go to helo Jake up but my ex pushes me and i fall down . Jake growls and gets up and start fighting my ex again . I just sit there hurt and crying knowing i cant help Jake .
A few people ran over and stopped them . I get up and take Jake to the little medical care stand and he gets cleaned up . He looks at me " Im sorry baby " He says . " No no im sorry . I should of done something and helped you but i didnt .. " I say while looking down and not at him . I start to tear up having memories of when i was with my ex .

" Lets just go home and chill out " He says while hugging me . I nod and we get in the car and drive home . Today was not what i expected it to be of me and Jake's first day together .

Word count : 759

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