Starting Over Again

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I wake up and rubs my eyes. I see that it's 530 am. I see the clothes pile I left and remember what happened. I climb over Jake softly to not wake him and go downstairs. I hear voices and and stop. It's Sam and Kat.

  " I'm sorry baby. It's her choice. " Sam says and I know they are talking about me. " but she can't! She just got here! It's Jake who has made her life horrible! She fell in love with him too fast! " She is crying. I feel so bad but what does she mean?

    " I know honey.. but if she wants to leave she had every right to. We can't stop her. She can always come back down or we can go to Canada anytime. You need to go to see your family during holidays anyways right? " Sam says. Kat can't speak bc she is crying so much.

    I creep up the stairs a bit then walks back down like nothing. They stop. I rub my eyes like I just woke up, which technically I just did. " Morning kid. How did you sleep? " Sam says. I just shrug.

   I look at Kat who is wiping her eyes like she wasn't crying. " So you're leaving huh? " She says. " nope! " I say and smile. They both look at me shocked them smile and cheer. She runs to me and hugs me tightly. " YAY!" She exclaims. I smile. " what made you change your mind? " She asks. " Jake. We talked last night and neither of us want to leave each other so I decided to stay as long as things can go back to normal. That includes him and Colby not fighting anymore and being friends again, no more bad days, no more crying. "

    " There will be some bad days you know. Things can't go completely well. " Sam says. " I know I know. But I will just have to deal with it. Because as much as I love Canada. I don't want to go back. I love it here. The nice weather, the warmth. All thought, everyone is so sweet and nice up there. I love the snow and my family. Hmm. " I say remembering my childhood. " we can always go back for holidays or just vacation. " Kat says and I nod.

     Sam smiles " Why don't we go now? And surprise them? " me and Kat look at each other and squeal with excitement. Sam laughs " Go pack girls ". We both run upstairs and I run inside me and Jake's room and hop on him " GET UP!! GET UP!! " He wakes up scared " What!? What!? Is everything ok!? Are you ok!? " I laugh and nod " We are going to Canada! " He tilts his head in confusion. " heh? " He says. I yell at him " Go pack doofus! "

   He gets up and starts packing as I run to Colby's room and do the same thing. " GET UP! GET UP! " I say while shaking him. He wakes up startled and ask the same things. I giggle " Everything's fine! Just pack! We are going to Canada! " He groans and rubs his face. " uhh I hate the cold. Why there? " I frown. " Because my families there and I want to surprise them. Kat is surprising her family too. So pack or else. " He smirks " Or else what? " I think. " I didn't think that far.. just do it! " I say and get off him. " fine.. " he groans and gets up. I smile. " good boy. " I say. He looks at me. " baby don't start.. " I run out. He chuckles and packs.

   I run back to my room and pack. Once we are all packed, Sam books the plane and we go out. Me Jake and Colby in Jake's car. Sam, Kat, Corey, and Devyn in Sam's car, and Aaron didn't come because his girlfriend was sick. Poor girl. I hope she is ok. ( Sorry if I made any of you mad that Aaron's not coming. :( .. ) Me and the boys jam out to music. A one direction song comes on and I scream and sing it loudly. ( any song you want ) The boys are shocked and laugh at me fangirling.

   They start to sing with me and we just have a lot of fun ruining our voice boxes and eardrums. Once we get to the airport we get out and go through security and get on the plane. All our seats are near each other which is good. Me Jake and Colby in one isle. Sam and Kat in the other. And Corey and Devyn in front of Sam and Kat. I'm in the middle of the boys. Jake got the window seat and Colby got the isle. I'm getting tired so I lean my head on Colby's shoulder and start to fall asleep. But before I do I hear them whisper. " I'm glad she didn't go by herself. " Jake says. I feel Colby nod.

    " dude. I had a dream we got married. It was the best feeling ever. I woke up crying. " Jake says. " Awe.. dude you should ask her in Canada. " Colby says. " what about you and her? Or is? " Jake asks. I didn't know they were good again. I feel Colby shrug. " We can think about that after your wedding. " He says. " plus we haven't even told anyone yet. " He says. I don't hear anything from Jake so I assume he just nodded. I smile to my self and fall asleep.

Ahhh! We good again! Hi guys I'm back. Hope you like this new chapter. If you have any ideas please let me know.

Word count - 930

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