New Realationship, scary sighting

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They look at each other . I smile . They look back at me . " I mean its the only way both of you can have me " i say . Shadow barks . " See even the baby agrees." I giggle and kiss Shadow's head . I look up and they both walk to me and kiss my cheek . I smile . Then look up and they kiss each other . I gasp . Im shocked . I didnt think they would actually do it . I was joking at first . But now it might be true .

" Woah . I was joking guys but .. " I say . " Well its true now . We are a polyamourus realationship babe . " Colby says . He kisses me and then Jake does . I smile and just stare at them . They both smile . " We have to keep it a secret though . Until people start figuring it out of course . " i say and they nod . Its an awkward silence for a bit . " What do you wanna do ? " i ask them . I put Shadow down and he wonders around . Colby shrugs and so does Jake . I look down trying to think .

I cant think of anything to do . We just decide to go to sleep and do something tomorrow morning . Me and Jake go to our room and Colby kisses us and goes to his . It's weird but i love it . In the morning i wake up to cramps . I sigh and look at the time . 4 ? Oh my god . I get up and walk downstairs . I get some Advil and take it . I sit on the chair and put my head down wishing this was never happening . I see Shadow looking outside and i walk to him . " Whats out there buddy ? Do you need to go ? Are you even potty trained ? " i open the back door and watch him . I sigh and hold my stomach where the cramps are happening.

Once i cant see Shadow anymore i walk outside and walk around . I make kissy noises and he runs over to me and walks around where i am . Its so cold out here . " Hurry up Shadow . Mommy is cold " i say and watch him go . We walk inside and i close the door . Once we do he stares outside again . I sigh." You arent going back out there . " i say and sit down . He starts barking . " Shh people are sleeping . " i say . He wont stop barking . I walk to the door and see a tall dark figure in the corner of the backyard . I scream and grab him and run upstairs . I run into me and Jake's room fast breathing heavy . I shake Jake " Jake Jake wake up ! There is someone or something outside ! " . He wakes up " What ? " he asks . " Someone or something is outside in the backyard ! I saw it ! " I say . He grabs a bat from his closet and walks downstairs .

He looks out the backdoor . " Babe there isnt anything out there . " He says . " Yes there was ! Shadow saw it and started barking and when i look i saw it . It looked like 8 feet tall and was all just dark ! " i say . He hugs me . " You are probably just seeing things . Dogs bark at anything they see . Lets just go to bed . " He says . Shadow starts barking again . I jump and look at the window . I scream and point . " ITS BACK !! ITS IN THE BACK LEFT CORNER !! " i say . Jake looks " Holy shit !! " he says and grabs me and Shadow and runs upstairs . I start crying . We run in our room .

He looks out the room window but doesnt see it . " Ok what was that !? " he asks . " I dont know ! " i say crying . We catch our breath and i stop crying . I sound like a baby . Jake hugs me and kisses my head . He walks out for a few minutes and i just there with Shadow . After a few minutes i see all the boys walking down . Im confused so i follow . I watch what they are doing . They walk outside and i follow but keep the puppy inside . We walk to the corner where the thing was . Sam jumps and screams a bit . " What ? What happened ? " Colby asks . " Dude i felt something touch me . " Sam says . Corey looks at me . " So tell us what you actually saw . " .

I look a them and Sam can see i was crying so he rubs my arm comfortingly . " Its ok . We will take care of it . " He says and i smile a bit . " Uhm well i came down for water and i let Shadow out . The puppy Jake got me . Uhh when we came inside he started barking . I look outside and saw a tall dark figure like 8 feet tall . I got Jake and he came down and saw it too . " i say . Jake soon starts hitting something . We all look at him confused and scared . He screams . I jump " Jake !? " i scream and Sam holds me and runs inside . " Stay here ! " he says and runs outside . " No ! " i say and run back outside with him . " Its for your safety ! " he yells and puts me back inside and closes the door as he runs back out . I just sit on the ground feeling scared and hopeless .

Kat runs down and i hug her . " Whats happening ? " she asks and looks outside confused . " Its a long story. " i say and we just keep hugging .

* Jake pov *

Soon once the sun is coming up cause its around 5 o'clock . We walk inside all breathing heavy and sweaty . I have my shirt off because i got a huge scratch on my back . " The fuck is a bear doing in LA ? " Corey asks . We all shrug . Colby chuckles . " But boys . To thing 4 adults just took down a fucking bear ? That was sick ! " he says . We all laugh . Y/n and Kat are asleep on the couch together . She probably heard all the screaming and came down to check . I smile a bit and we leave them there . I look at Colby . " Dude is it bad ? " i turn around . He checks " No not bad but for a bear scrarch . Yeah ." . " Oh wow thanks " i chuckle .

" You two seem to be getting along way closer today " Sam says . " What does that mean ? " we ask . He shrugs " You two do get along . Just always something to argue about . " He says .

Yeahh this story is getting weird . But i still aint stopping it ! So lets recap ? You and Colby liked each other . Got in a little realationship . You went on a date . Came home and found Tara and Jake kissing . You get mad and run upstairs while they argue . You wake up and find Jake got you a puppy . You and Colby and Jake start dating . You wake up at 4 in the morning and find a bear in the backyard that looked like a horror movie thing . The boys kill it . Cool . Comment if any idead please ! Love you !

Word count - 1154

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