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( Just a small note! If you guys havent heard his new songs go listen! They are amazing! Jake is truly becoming a professional song writer! I love how far he has come and that he can now pursue what he loves to do! I love Jake so much! <3 )

   I wake up and Colby is laying there in pain. I look at him and hug him softly with my good arm. I try to talk but cant. I need water. He rubs my back " I tried to .. Im sorry.. " He says and tears roll down. I shake my head and play with his hand. I whisper but loud enough for him to hear. " I called Jake.. And the cops.. They should be here soon... " my voice cracking alot. " I just want to go home ... " i say and he nods. " Me too .. Im sorry baby.. " he says and i shake my head.

   We hear walking and i dont even flinch or care anymore. Guess who walks down. Him .. He picks Colby up and straps him to a chair. Colby is too weak like me to move. " Hey ! Let me go ! " Colby yells but my ex punches him. You know what? Lets expose his name. HIs name is Jason. Jason shuts Colby up by putting a rag in his mouth and lays me down on the ground so Colby can see and then he rapes me knowing im too weak to stop him. I just silently cry the whole time. Colby is muffled screaming for him to stop and rocks in the chair.

      When he is finished he gets up and ties me to a chair and he hears a crack and i cant even scream. He break my arm MORE than it already was. I throw my head back in pain and shut my eyws closed tight. He grabs it gently and looks at it. My arm is literally in half. Colby sees and passes out cause his head flops down. I would too if i saw that happen to someone. Somehow didnt pass out myself. Jason runs upstairs and slams the door.

     Later Colby wakes up and im breathing heavy on the verge of dying. He tries scooching to me and spits out the rag. " Baby listen to me. Just hold on ok ? We will get out of here and get you fixed up. I promise. Ok ? Just please hang in there. I love you and i promise when we get out of here we will take you out and get you anything you want. Ok ? Just please .. Please dont die.. We cant lose you.. " i look at him weakly and nod slowly. I hear a door break down and yelling that its police. I smile and so does Colby. I hear gun shots and get a little scared.

     Jason runs down and holds the door shut and locks it from the inside then runs to me and unties me and stands me up but my legs give out and he puts the gun to my chest. " Ill fucking kill her if you yell or move. " He says to Colby. Colby shakes and tears fall down his face as he stays quiet. Im too weak to do anything. I just stare at Colby. The cops burst on and all i hear is a gun shot and i see black.

Colby pov

    The cops burst in and i hear a gun shot. I look at Y/n and scream. He shot her out of nervousness and he was scared when the cops burst through the basement door. 2 cops run to me and i hear yelling and bodies falling. A cop unties me and i try to see what is happening over there but another cop is blocking my view so i cant see. " THAT'S MY G- . SISTER!!! I NEED TO SEE HER!!! " i yell. The cop says " No she will be alright we need to get you to the hospital. " I scream " NO LET ME SEE MY SISTER !!! " the shake their heads and walk me out i struggle but they sit me on a strecher and buckle me down. They put me on an ambulance and ot drives off. Im screaming and crying for Y/n. The try to calm me down and i dont stop. They try to reassure me she will be ok but .. My girlfriend is dead ... How is Jake gonna take this? ... I dont know how they are gonna take it.. Not just Jake .. Everyone...

     The next thing i know, i wake up in a hospital room. I look around and hit the nurse button many times. She runs in " Yes ? ". " Where is Y/n? " i say and she sighs. " She is in surgery. They need to get the bullet out but its really hard. I dont know if she will make it. Its a 50/50 chance. " i start crying. " Are my roommates here? " she nods. " Can they come in? " she nodd and walks out. I cover my face and pull my hair out of anger and frustration. They walk in and Sam takes my hands off my hair. He hugs me and i cry in his shoulder and he starts crying too. Jake hugs Kat cause she is crying alot. Corey sits down with Devyn and are both crying. Jake looks pissed but has tears rolling down.

    " Where did he go? What happened to him? " i ask. " He is in jail for life. " Jake says.  I nod. At least thats good. He deserves it. We all wait a while and talk. The nurse comes back with a small smile on her face. " Who is the boyfriend? " he asks and Jake raises his hand. " And you are the brother? " she asks and points to me. I nod and everyone else looks confused but doesnt question. " Can you walk? " she asks and i move my legs and nod. " Come along. " she says and i get up and walk with Jake and follow her. She walks us to a room

Ah sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger!! This is just getting long. The next chapter will be the part 2 to this.

Word Count - 1030

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