Debating On Leaving

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I just look at him. " Jake I do love you.. it's just.. I don't think I should stay here anymore... Everywhere I go it's just chaos... Everything I do turns into fighting and yelling and pain... I should of never came here in the first place... I mean look at you! This is my fault! You guys would be better off without me.. "

    He shakes his head " Love nothing is your fault. It was all a misunderstanding. And you are the best thing that has ever happened to us. I would of never met such a beautiful and amazing girl if you never came. I'm so glad I met you. I love you so much baby girl. "

   I just don't know what to say at this point.  What he said touched me. I'm now debating on whether or not I should leave. I mean it seems everything I do turns into shit. But I love this man so much and i can't just leave him.. I don't know what to do..

    " How about we sleep on it ok? We will put your things in a pile and if you still wanna leave in the morning you can pack.. ok? I just want one more night with you... We will order food and watch movies and cuddle.. " He says.. I like the idea so I nod. I fold my clothes and put them in a pile on the floor. I go and flop on the bed.

Jake pov
   I asked her to sleep on it because I can't just watch her leave. She flops on the bed which is adorable. " I'll go order your favorite food. You get all bundled up and pick the first movie? " I ask her and she nods and gets in the blankets like a burrito. She is adorable. I walk downstairs and look through menus that we have. I can't find anything so I just order taco bell off door dash. Sam walks to me.  " So what's the deal.. how is she? "

   I shrug. " She is debating on going back to Canada. I asked her to sleep on it so I can get one more night with her if she does leave.. we are gonna have one last date night. Watch movies. Im ordering taco bell.. want anything? " He shakes his head. " no thanks.. I'll go let Kat know.. about her and the leaving situation. " I nod and ordered our food.

* Time skip *

   The food gets here so I go and get it then walk back upstairs. I sit next her and she starts the movie. She lays her head on me and we eat and watch the movie. I can't let her leave. I can't just throw away my life. Without her I'm nothing. She is my future wife and mother of my kids. We were supposed to live together forever. It's just been hell lately.

    " Baby.. please don't leave.. I know I said sleep on it but I wanna talk.. " I say to her. Hoping for a good answer. She sits up and looks at me. " I'm sorry.. " She says. Not looking in my eyes.. " I never meant to hurt you.. I just.. I feel I make your lives miserable. I-i want you to have a good life.. " She says. " Love my life is perfect because you are in it. I love my life. You don't make our lives miserable. You do the complete opposite. But I want to marry you..I want to have kids with our and live together forever. We can't do that if you leave now can we?  "

    She smiles and shakes her head. " I do to and no we can't if I leave.. I won't leave... I'll stay.. but.... You need to promise me... You will always be my little goofball " She giggles and I smile and nod " Forever and always babe. " I kiss her hand. " Forever and always. " She says

This one ends cute 🥰

Word Count - 661

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