Getting our lives straight

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    Jake pov
I stayed at Reggie's that night. I could not go home with what just happened. I go back to the trap house to see how everyone is. I still have the key so I just walk in. Colby looks at me and immediately walks to me and pushes me out. " Hey wait love. " I say but get inturrupted. " Love? Dont evem think about calling us that. You fucking hurt her! You are not welcome back here at all ever! "

   He screams at me. I try to speak but he keeps yelling at me. So I yell back. " LISTEN!! ME AND Y/N MADE UP!!! YOU WERENT THERE AND IM GUESSING SHE DIDN'T TELL YOU!!! "
   I lower my tone a bit but still kind of yelling to make my point " At the ice cream shop we saw each other I told her everything and Ill tell you too! We made up! She forgave me! I- " he inturrupts me again. " Oh she forgave you." He says with a little chuckle " Yeah well then why did she come home sad? Hm? Why did she come home crying to me saying you walked in the ice cream shop with Tara? What did you want a little date with your side chick before you came home pleading for us not to let your slut ass go? Jake you are the worst and you deserve nothing. "

    He says and before i could say anything, I get the door slammed in my face. I sigh and think. Then I Text Y/n who is still saved as Princess in my phone.

Your pov

   Im laying in my bed and I hear yelling but think its just for a video. I put headphones on and watch netflix. I get a text from Jake who is still saved as Baby Boy in my phone. I miss him so much. I just want him to hold me as he always has. Colby is cuddly too but.. Not as Jake would. I text him back

P- You B- Jake

B - Hey..
P - Hi.
B - Uh.. You home?
P - Yes why?
B - Well I tried coming in to talk to you and everyone but.. Colby saw and pushed me out and we kind of had a fight.
P - So that was you two?
B - Uh yeah. Heh.
P - Want me to come and let you in?
B - Please princess.

  I blush and smile. Then text him

P- Yeah be right down
B - Thanks.

  I smile and chuckle and walk downstairs. I open the door and Colby tries to stop me. I slap his hand softly. " Let me be~ " I say and he smiles. " Babe dont open the door. Jake is out there. " He says " I know. Leave me alone. " I say and he looks hurt and confused. I let Jake in.

    " Thanks baby. " Jake says and I hug him tightly. He chuckles and hugs me back. I dont wanna let go. I hear Colby sigh and walk off saying " Whatever. " I roll my eyes and look up at Jake. " Ignore him. He just hates you now. " I giggle and Jake says " I figure he will for while. "

   Me and Jake walk to our room and talk for a while about us. We decide to call a house meeting for everyone to talk and hear Jakes side. We all go down to the living room and I first go out. I stand and say " Guys.. I think you should all hear what really went on.. I know everyone hates him for now but please.. Give him a chance. Especially you Colby. " I say and look at Colby sternly. He sighs and shrugs.

     Jake walks out and Kat and Devyn look at me and I nod at them a bit. Jake starts talking

  Jake pov
Y/n calls me out and I walk up. I immediately notice the girls talking through their minds. Girl code am I right? I stand next to her and put my arm around her. Sam gives me a look and I clear my throat and move my arm away.

   I start talking. " Uhm hi guys. Jeesh it sounds like yall dont know me. Uhm.. " I hear Y/n giggle and I smile. I tell them everything and everyone believes me. Everyone but Colby.

   " Oh thats utter bullshit. Are you kidding me?  She is way smaller than you. You could of pushed her off. " He says. Sam just looks at him and shakes his head. " Oh shut up Colby. Get out of here. " Kat says and he walks out. I sigh

    Y/n looks sad so I say " Hey. Uhm. Lets meet up tomorrow. Ill go back and sleep at Reggie's. " She nods. " Yeah. And uhm. I want to get my own life straightened out before we actually start.. You know being a couple again. "

    I nod and agree to do the same. We say our goodbyes and leave. Damn.. This really sounds like a funeral.

Heyy! Im back. Soo yeah Jake came true and now they are getting back on track. Colby how ever isnt liking it. 😬. Oh well. He will have to. If you have any ideas feel free to ask me. Ill try to get back to ya. Thank you!! <3

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