Better party

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Its the next day . I wake up and dont see Jake by my side . I look at the time and it is 7 in the morning . " Why is he up so early ? " i say to my self .

I get up and walk downstairs but no one is down there . I get my phone and text Jake .

* Texts * Baby = Jake Y = You
Y- Jakey where are you ?
Baby - Im buying groceries with Sam my love . Why ?
Y - Its 7 in the morning . Why are you buying groceries so early ?
Baby - I have something planned for later so we wanted to get it done early . We will be home by 8 or 9 . Dont worry . Ill come right to you when we get home . Ok ? I love you princess .
Y - Ok . I love you too babe .

* End of texts *

I sigh and walk upstairs into our room . I decide to take a shower so i grab my towel and walk to the bathroom . I turn the water to the temperature i like and get undressed . I get in and take the shower .

When im done i turn the water off and dry off and get dressed . I walk out and sit on the bed . I start thinking that Jake might be cheating on me and tear up . Im only thinking this because of my bad past with my ex . I then start thinking of when my ex saw us at the fair and Jake faught him and cry more . I love Jake . Obviously he wont cheat on me .

Just then , Kat walks in and hugs me . " Y/n whats wrong ? Why are you crying ? " she asks me . I sit up and hug her . " Nothing " i say . " Are you sure ? " she asks me and i nod . " Where is Jake and Sam ? " she asks . I guess Sam didnt tell her either . " They are grocery shopping " i say . " At 8 am ? Are you kidding me ? Those boys are weird " she says and we both laugh . " Have you eaten ? " she asks and i shake my head no . " Come on . Lets make break fast . " she says . " Ok " i say and we walk down . I start to make the coffee and she gets everything out . " Pancakes and bacon ? " she asks and i smile and nod . We wash our hands and start to make the batter . She throws some flour at me and giggles . I gasp and throw flour back then we start having a little flour fight .

We hear laughing from the stairs and we stop and look at who it is . It's Colby . " Whats going on here ? " He says while walking into the kitchen . " Flour fight " we both say . I look at Kat and smile . She knows what im thinking so she smiles back then we look at Colby . I think he gets the notice because he says " Oh shit " and runs . We giggle and run after him . He screams and we all start laughing while running around the house . Kat hands me the bag of flour and grabs Colby . I throw flour at him .

" Ahh No !! Ok Ok !! " he says and we laugh . " Sowwy . It had to be done . You literally walked right into war zone . Mr Brock . " i say . " Yeahhh . I deserved that . " he says and stands up . Me and Kat giggle and walk back into the kitchen then we really start making the breakfast .

" Now i have to take another shower . " . Kat giggles . " Extra clean . " she says and i laugh . By the time the coffee and breakfast was done it was 9 30 . I call Jake and he doesnt answer . " Can you call Sam ? Jake said they were gonna be home my 8 or 9 and its 9 30 and he isnt answering his phone . " I say . " Yeah " she says and calls him . " He didnt answer either " . We both get a little worried but brush it off and call everyone down for breakfast .

We all eat and talk . When everyone is done i start washing dishes and make Jake and Sam some plates and put them in the fridge . Jake and Sam walk in while im washing dishes . I hear them talk while walking up the stairs . They didnt even say hi ? Wow . But i brush it off and dry my hands then walk to the couch and walk upstairs into our room .

I go to open the door but hear them in there . " Yeah i dont know what im gonna do . " I hear Jake say to Sam . " Just dont tell her . Im sure she wont notice " Sam says . I get confused and walk in . " What are you guys talking about ? " i say . " Hey baby . Nothing . Dont worry about it " Jake says . " Yeah its nothing . " Sam says . I sigh and shrug " Ok . Well breakfast is in the fridge for you two . " i say and walk to the the bathroom . Jake finally notices and says " Why are you covered in flour ? " he chuckles and so does Sam . " Me and Kat and Colby had a flour fight . " i say . They both laugh . " Ok well enjoy your shower . Ill be up in a bit . " Jake says and they walk out .

There is gonna be a part 2 . Sorry i havent posted in a while .

Word count - 870

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