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Im eating breakfast when i get a no caller id text saying to meet them at the local LA park or they will take me. Im confused and just ignore thinking it's a prank text. Sam comes down and scares me. I jump and scream then look at him and laugh with him. " Dick move dude. " i say . " Sorry i had to" he says and laughs. " Check out this text i got " i show him the text . " What the hell ? Probably some little kids prank texting random numbers. " he says " Thats what i thought"

   " What you doing today? " He asks. I shrug " I dont know. Probably just lazing around. " he nods "Same" . We sit there for a bit just chatting and i get a text again " Im serious. Meet me at the park or else ill kill the boys and girls you live with. " i read it and my heart stops. Sam realizes and looks at my phone. " Ok . WHO IS PULLING THIS PRANK ON Y/N !? ITS NOT FUNNY KNOCK IT OFF YOU ARE SCARING HER TO DEATH!! " he screams to the house.

   Corey walks down. " Whats happening? " he asks and i shakily hand him my phone. He reads it and his eyes go wide." Yo you cant even block the number cause its no caller id. Imma go to everyone else to see if they are doing it. Ill show you my phone, its not me." He shows us his phone for proof and walks upstairs. Sam comforts me " If its not one of the boys and it keeps up. Ill call the cops to see if they can track the number. " he says as i get a call from the no caller id. Sam takes my phone and answers it and puts it on speaker. " Hello ? " its silence. " Do not call or text this number again i swear to god. " Sam says and hangs up.

    Everyone comes down and Jake looks pissed and takes my phone and looks at the texts. " If they keep texting im gonna call the cops to have them track the number. " Sam tells them. I just stare at the table. Jake hugs me. " Maybe i should go. By myself to see what it is. " I say. They all look at me liks im crazy. " Are you stupid? No ! No you arent going ! Not by yourself either! " Jake yells at me. I flinch. " Sorry .. I didnt mean to yell or call you stupid. Its just i dont want you getting kidnapped or killed. " He says and i nod.

    We go about our day and im getting bored so i decide to draw. I walk in the garage to find drawing supplies leaving the door to the house open and my phone on the kitchen table. I soon feel something hard hit my head and i fall and see black. When i wake up im in a car driving fast. I look around but my vision is blurry. Soon the car stops and im taken out roughly. Im too weak to do anything or say anything. The person walks in a house and to the basement im guessing. Im thrown in a chair and tied down. " Finally. We are together again. No one to inturrupt. " i know that voice. My ex!? Fuck! No ! I sit my head up and look at him. " Why.. Why did you take me ? .. " i weakly ask . Vision still blurry. " Because baby.. I love you. And that little Jake boy would keep taking me away from you if he was around. So i decided to track your number to find you so i can take you myself. " He says. " You are a fucking psychopath ! " I yell.

    He laughs and just kisses my cheek and walks out locking me in the basement. I try to feel for my phone but remember my stupid ass left it on the kitchen table. I sigh knowing im helpless now.

* Jake's pov *

   Im playing games with Colby in his room and i smile. " Yes i won ! Eehehe ! " i say and throw my arms up. He takes this opportunity to tickle me. I scream " NU !! " and laugh. He smiles and stops. " You act more like y/n everyday. He says and kisses me. I kiss him back. " We should get her to play with us. " he says and i nod and try calling her. No answer. Im confused " She didnt answer. Im gonna go find her. " i say and he nods. I walk out the room and walk to the kitchen. I see her phone on the table and the garage door open. I walk in and look around. " what the hell ? " i ask my self and walk around the house fast. I check in Sam and Kat's room and walk out. They are confused and call my name but i dont answer. I check everyone elses room making them confused and i check all the bathrooms.

    I get scared and run to Colby. " She is nowhere to be seen and she left her phone here. " i say. Soon everyone is at Colby's door with us and look scared. I call the cops and walk out leaving everyone. " 911 whats the location of your emergancy ? " the operator asks. I say the address. " Whats the emergancy ? " she asks " Hi my girlfriend is missing. I was playing games with my roommate and we decided we wanted her to play so i called her but she didn't pick up. I walked out and around the house trying to fidn her but i found her phone on the table and she is nowhere to be seen. Her car keys and purse are here so shs isnt out. I looked in the backyard too. " i say very fast and panicking. I walk back in the garage for some kind of fresh air. I see blood on the ground and yell into the phone. " And there is blood on the ground in the garage !! " i hear people running downstairs but dont care. " Ok and whats her name and age sir? " she asks " Y/n L/n age 21. " I say starting to cry. Colby rubs my back

   " We will find her. Calm down Jake. " i breath heavy and start to get dizzy. I fall backwards into his arms and i hear them all yelling my name before my hand falls dropping my phone and my eyes go black.

Ahh! Story got intense. Sorry its been long i didnt have ideas. This story was based off another Jake imagine i read hehe. If you got any ideas for this or the Colby one please feel free to comment or post on my page. Please i wanna write what you guys would like to see. Thank you!

Word Count - 1126 

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