Falling for someone else part 2

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* Colby pov *
Y/n soon comes back up to my room " Ok sadly we are getting taco bell because the big baby wants it so badly . So what would you like ? " she says . " Ugh ! Fine . Uhm crunch wrap supreme i guess ." i say and she giggles . " And for a drink ? " she asks and i shrug " Pepsi " i say and she nods . " Ok ill bring it to you when we are back . See you soon " she says and smiles . " See ya " i say as she walks out . If only she was mine ..

  Later when they get back , she comes up and brings it to me . " Oh thank you . Uhm .. Can i talk to you bout something ? " i ask her . She sits down next to me " Sure what is it ? " she says . I was gonna tell her but chickened out . " Actually nevermind . It doesnt matter " i say and mentally kick myself . " Are you sure ? " she asks and i nod . " Ok well if you change your mind , me and Jake are just gonna chill in our room . " she says . " Ok see you later " i say and she walks out and i start to eat my food.

* Your pov *

  When i gave Colby his food , he asked me if he could tell me something but he said it didnt matter . It looked like he was hurt or something was bothering him . Ill ask him later ir tomorrow if he is ok . I sit and eat with Jake . " So what was wrong with Colby earlier ? " i ask him . " He said it was a personal problem of his . He said he just needed to get over it himself . "  he says . I nod and look for something to watch on netflix .
   8 comes around and im getting ready for bed while Jake is in the shower . Colby walks in " Y/n/n . Can i talk to you now ? " he says and i turn around . " Sure . Here or your room ? " i say . " Is Jake here ? " he asks and that makes me nervous . " Well he is in the shower . " i say . " Ok can you come to mine ? " he asks and i nod " Sure . Lead the way Colb's " i say and smile to hide my nervousness .

   He walks to his room with me and we sit on his bed . " So what's up ? " i ask him . He fidgets with his rings . "  Uhm .. So .. I .. " he stutters . I rub his back " Is everything ok ? " i ask sweetly and he nods . " Uhm . The reason why i wanted to tali to you alone is because . I really like you . I didnt wanna say it around Jake bc he might get mad or something . " he says . I blush and look around for a camera . " This isnt a prank . It's my true feelings for you ." he says . I look at him " Colby .. I .. " i say but he interrupts me . " I know you dont have the same feelings for me and you are dating Jake . I just wanted to tell you to get it off my chest " he says and looks down . I think " Mm i do like you . Im gonna go to hell for this . Sorry Jake " after i think that i turn his face towards me and kiss him . He hesitates but kiss me back .

Sorry so short and all the parts . Might be part 3 or different chapter to add to this

Word count - 561

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