Almost there but not quite

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( Lmao sorry I just saw that picture and it made me laugh so here you go )

    Colby pov
Lately we all been walking around like zombies. Sam has gotten no sleep from trying to find her. Jake gotten no sleep from crying all night same like me. Devyn hasnt left the house. Corey has no one to joke and play around with. Aaron well he never really got to meet her or hang with her but he is still sad. Katrina has cried all the time as well and is always out trying to take her mind of of it. The other girls I dont know but from talking to Griffen, Xepher is really sad. He says she doesnt dress up anymore, doesnt wear makeup like her normal self, and just isnt herself. Jake said Reggie said that Cassie hasnt talked to him since she found out. So we are all pretty sad.

    Shadow been barking and looking around for his mama. I feel really had for everyone. I need to fix this. I walked to Sam and convinced him to drink some water and get a nap. He did. I told Jake the same thing but he insisted on coming with me. I said no and it will be a bad idea so he took up my offer and took a nap. I told Corey to go play some games or take Navvy for a walk. He went for the walk cause she needed one anyway. He took Shadow and Buddy too. Wow 3 dogs in one.  I went looking for Devyn and couldnt find her so i guess she went with Katrina outside.

    I how ever took my keys and got in my car and drove all around town. I mean everywhere in town. I had a thought.. I remember when Jake and Y/n went to the fair and Jake got beaten up by her abusive ex boyfriend. I thought of the texts .. And it hit me.. What if its him ? Oh I am so gonna kill someone!!! I sped up and drove around trying to see if i can find him or at least someone who looks like how Jake discribed him.  I saw a lady walking and walked to her. " Hello ms. Sorry to bother you but do you know if a guy who looks like * discribes him ( im lazy ) * who might live around here? " she nodded and points to a house then said " But i wouldnt go there if i were you. He is really mean and you are so skinny he might just break you like a twig. Also i think all he watches is horror films. All we hear is screaming. Be careful darling. " She walked off after that. I saw red.

    I stormed to the house she pointed to and banged on it and when no one answered i tried kicking it down. Uhm that was a mistake. I hurt my leg. But i walked around trying to find another way in. I found a back door and opened it. Stupid to leave this unlocked. I looked around the house and it looked dead. I walked to the basement door and tried opening it. Its locked. I tried finding a key but found nothing.

Your pov
   I was still on the dirty floor trying to sleep but couldnt from the pain. I heard a bang at the door and smiled thinking its the cops and ill be free. I then heard trying to break down the front door. By the way my ex is out probably drinking and having fun with women. I heard nothing and lost hope. I heard walking and then someone trying to open the basement door. I tried to scream but my throat was dry from no water and only the tiniest noise came out that no one could hear. Like when you scream in a dream.
   I heard yelling and fighting which sounded like .. Colby? Why is Colby here? Wait! Colby is here to save me! I need to get to him! I tried getting out of the chair fast and i surprisingly did!! I stood up and my legs were wobbly. I ran upstairs and banged on the door and tried screaming with my soft voice.
  " Y/n!? Im coming baby!! " i heard him yell and i smiled thinking ill he free but i heard my ex's voice which scared me. My ex is big and stronger than Colby or Jake which is why Jake got hurt pretty bad last time. So i know Colby will be hurt. But Colby has rings which will hurt my ex pretty bad too. I kept banging on the door. I heard falling to the floor and silence. I stayed still scared not knowing what happened i backed down a few steps. Then heard pounding to the door. Thats when i started to cry knowing whats about to happen.
   And there he comes. Opening the door and pushing me down the stairs then throwing Colby down. I screamed cause my arm broke. I looked at Colby who was passed out and all bloody i cried and crawled weakly to his bloody body. I looked up at my ex and with all my power weakly screamed. " FUCK YOU!!! I WISH YOU DEAD!!! " he walked downstairs and picked me up punching my face hard then throwing me back down and walking up the stairs and slamming the door for the night. I spit lots of blood and just wished to go home.
   I laid my head on Colby's shoulder looking at his bruised face and kissed it softly. I cried more then thought. Wait.. If Colby is here.. Then he has his phone. I quickly felt his pockers and grabbed his phone. I looked for Jake's contact and called it.

Jake pov
     I was asleep until i woke up from a call from Colby. I sighed thinking ' you were the one to tell me to sleep. ' i answered " Whats up baby? " and i heard something which made me sit up straight. It was her!! " Oh my god Jake .. L-* she was inturrupted by a horrifying sounding cough* listen .. M-me and Colby are trapped in my ex's basement. Colby came to save me but my ex beat him up p-* cough again* ow .. " I started getting scared. " Baby dont talk. So you are trapped in your ex's basement with Colby!? He went to save you alone? Oh my god. Ok call the cops and tell them. Ill be there shortly with back up. " i said
   " Jake no .. Dont come.. Ill call the cops and when im free ill call you back.. I love you .. I just wanted to let you know .. Im here alive .. And .. Colby is breathing just knocked out .. Ill call you later .. Bye .. I love you " she said and i sighed knowing she was right. " Ok .. I love you tok baby girl.. " i hung ul and laid down. Sad but happy knowing she is alive and alright.

Ahh cant wait till next chapter!!! I LOVE har far this story has come and there is more soon!! Bte !!

Word Count - 1192

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