Birthday party gone bad .

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( This is a part 2 to Caught red handed )

So its now time for the 'surprise' party . Its no longer a surprise . Well somewhat is because i will get surprised by all the decorations Jake and Colby set up for me .

  Me and the girls stayed in the pool most of the time and if i had to go inside i would look at the floor . We went upstairs and got ready . I was wearing a sparkly short black dress and heels .

    Jake came upstairs to check on me . " Babe ? You r- .." He looked at me and bit his lip . I blushed and stood nervously . " Like it ? " i say shyly . " You look sexy babe . Stay by my side . I dont want any guys touching my girl . " He smiles . I smile back and look down blushing . " Thank you " i say . " Come on . Everyone is downstairs already . Lets go get a drink " . He says and holds my hand as we walk downstairs .

    We get a drink and talk to everyone and i get to know everyone . I start dancing with the girls for a bit . I get tired and go to look for Jake . I cant find him so i just go and get another drink . I see someone i havent met yet staring at me . I dont say anything but get uncomfortable . I drop my phone and i bend down to pick it up . I hear footsteps near me so i stand up quick and see the guy walking away . I sigh in relief and grab my drink and walk off .

    A few minutes later i start feeling dizzy so i sit on the couch . The girls see i dont look so well . " You ok y/n ? You dont look too good " . Cassie says and sits next to me . I nod " Just feel drunk " . " No it looks more than just drunk . Ill go get Jake . " Devyn says and walks off fast . The girls sit next to me to make sure im ok . I soon fall over into Xepher's lap and pass out .

    I wake up in Jake's bed feeling sick .  I run to the bathroom and start throwing up . Jake follows me and holds my hair back and rubs my back . When i finish i wash my hands and brush my teeth . " What happened ? " I say . " You got drugged " Jake says . I sigh and remember who did it . " Whats wrong ? " he asks me . " I know who did it . Its the party still going on ? " i say . " No . Only Cassie and Xepher is here still . Who was it ? Ill kill them . " he says . I explain what the guy looked like . He looks confused . " Must of snuck in because noone we know looks like that " . He sighs " We will throw you another party to make up for it . " . I smile " Oh baby you dont need to . Thank you though . " . He pouts " Pwease ? " . I giggle and kiss his cheek " Ok fine . " . He smiles and kisses me .

    We get ready for bed and watch a movie . I soon fall asleep in his arms .

Word count : 511

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