Trying to escape

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   Colby's pov
Jake passed out in my arms. Now im starting to freak out. With y/n gone and Jake passed out how am i gonna cope.

  Sam takes Jake and walks him to the couch and lays him down as Aaron gets a rag and puts cool water on it and puts it in Jake's forehead. My two babies are injured. I talk to the operator then hang up. " She said she cant do anything cause it hasnt been 24 hours yet. Are you kidding me !? Our friend is gone and there is blood in the garage !! " i scream. Sam rubs my back. " Listen. I know how you and Jake feel. We feel the same. But if we will get her back i promise. W- " I cut him off. " How are you so calm !? Y/n Is Missing and you just say ' We will find her . We will find her. Just calm down Jake just calm down Colby bleh bleh bleh ' ! " . i instantly feel bad for what i said and run upstairs.

   Sam's pov

I have to be calm in this situation to calm everyone down. So everyone doesnt hurt themselves or all pass out like Jake. I know Colby didnt mean it cause he loves Y/n like a sister like i do. Im freaking out too just .. More internally. I sigh and go out with Kat to try and find Y/n while Corey, Aaron, and Devyn,  stay to take care of Jake and Colby to do what ever he does im his room. Probably cry. Ill talk to him later.

  Your pov

I need to escape. I cant be here. I need to find my family. I try to untie the ropes and give up then try to use my teeth. Ow that hurts. Ugh how am i gonna get out!! I look around trying to see if there is any sharp objects. I dont find any. Smart bastard.. I hear him coming so i stay still. He comes downstairs. " Hey beautiful. Ready for some old fun? " he asks with that disgusting pervert smirk of his. Bleh how did i like him? " Go to hell" i say. He laughs.

    He walks to me and starts kissing my neck. I try to push him off with my shoulders. He doesnt budge. I head butt him and he walks back " Ahh! What the hell bitch!? " he yells and chokes me. I try to move my hands but it doesnt work. He stops and slaps me. I cry out in pain. He knocks over my chair and walks upstairs slamming ans locking the door. I cry and just lay there in pain. I finally cry myself to sleep.

    Sam pov

We have been searching for hours. Kat is starting to cry so i pull over my car and hug her for a few minutes. " What are we gonna do Sam? What if she is gone forever? " she asks me hurting me more. " She wont be. We will find her ok baby? I promise you and everyone. I will find Y/n if its costs me my life. I will get her back to you guys one way or the other. " I reassuringly tell her and kiss her head. We decide for tonight just to go home and try again tomorrow.

   When we walk inside I see Corey and Aaron not doing anything and just sitting at the table sad. I see Jake on the couch on his phone crying. Probably rereading texts with him and Y/n or looking at pictures. And i dont see Devyn or Colby. I walk to Corey. " Hey where is Devyn? " i ask. He sighs " Xepher came by and saw Devyn crying so she asked why and we told her whats wrong so she took Devyn out. She asked if Kat was here but we told her you two went out to find her so she said to tell Kat to call her when you two get back. She said to get it off you girls minds she was gonna have you two stay over her house tonight and tomorrow you 4, including Cassie, will go out tomorrow and try to find her. " i nod and look at Kat who is already calling Xepher.

   " Well then boys i guess its just us trying to find her tomorrow. " i say and they nod. Jake gets up. " Imma go talk to Colby. " He says and walks upstairs. I was gonna but ok.

  Jake pov.

I walk to Colby's room and knock and when noone answers i walk in softly. I see him laying in the bed crying so i close the door and walk to him and see Shadow with him. I pet Shadow and sit on the side of the bed and rub Colby's back. I kiss his cheek and he moves over so i can lay down. I lay down and kiss his lips softly. " I miss her" he says and i nod. " Me too baby.. Me too." He cries more and i start crying. God please help us. I sigh" I was re reading texts .. And looking at picture .. And i chuckle a bit. I saw this picture .. She showed me this of when she was younger and trying to ride a skateboard with her friends she almost fell and but caught herself in that way " i say and laugh.

He laughs and hides his face. I smile a bit. Jeesh its like we are mourning her death... No no no no .. Jake why would you say that!? I mentally slap myself.

  I sigh and put my phone down cause its about to die. I just look at Colby and stare at him until we fall asleep. I dream of getting her back and going on a three way amazing date. And spoiling her.

This was sad. Sorry it just came to mind ans im bored soo.. Uhh enjoy! <3

Word Count - 990

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