Released and guilt

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   Its the next day and im eating breakfast when my princess comes down. She waddles to me and hugs me. " Hi love " She says and i moan in response. Im feeling depressed. " Can we go out today? On the date you promised? " she asks and looks at me smiling. I smile a bit and nod. " You ok? " she says and i nod. She nods. Colby walks down and she talks to him while i space out.

   Colby shakes me and i look at him. " You alright Jake? " i nod. " Uhm whats the deal? " i ask. They tell me and we get ready and leave. We go to the amusement park. We go on a few rides and we are laughing and just goofing around like the old teens we are. I say old teens because we are in our early 20's. Y/n notices im being quiet and ' distant ' today. She asks me whats wrong and i shake my head. She keeps bugging me and i get mad and yell. " I Cheated On You!! " i say and everyone gasps. They all stop and watch and Colby and her look at me shocked. She starts to tear up. " What? " Colby says sternly.

   " I cheated on you! Is that what you guys wanna hear?! I went to a bar and had sex! When you were in the hospital! The night before we took you home! Thats where i went Colby! To the bar and had sex! " i yell. " With Who!! " she yells and i can hear her voice breaking. I dont say anything. She yells at me. " WHO JAKE!! WHO!! " she breaks down crying now. " TARA!! " she slaps me hard.  Then gets up close to me. " Go to her. You seem happier and you love her more than me. So go. Go with your bitch. " She says and walks off. Colby shakes his head and follows her.

   I stand there and look at everyone else. They are shocked and some are giving me dirty looks. A guy starts talking to me. Saying stuff like ' You should apologize ' and ' That girl could be the mother of your kids and that with that boy he looked hurt. I can tell they loved you. ' I talk to him.

Your pov

   After hearing what Jake told me i had to walk away. I cant believe he did it. Twice and willingly both times. Colby stops me and hugs me and we both cry. We sit on a bench crying. " Why did he do it again? " i ask. " Because he is a jerk. Thats why. But im here for you love. Ill always be here. " Colby says and i hug him. " Did you realize i was the one to go and find you? Not him. " He says. " I care about you and he never did. " He says and i stop him. " Thats not true! He does care about me! Stop lying so you can have me alone! Jake loves me and just made a mistake ! " i yell and he shakes his head

   " Love if he cared about you he wouldnt of cheated. Twice" He emphasized ' Twice ' to prove his point more. I shake my head and walk off. He follows me and i tell him to leave me alone. I walk around trying to find Jake but have no luck. I start to get scared and try calling him. He doesnt answer. Colby called me a few times but i didnt answer cause i needed to find Jake. I need to talk to him. I start running around helplessly.

    I start screaming his name not caring who saw or heard me. I soon bump into someone and look and meet those beautiful brown but sad eyes. I sigh in relief and hug him tightly. He pushed me away. I fear up. " Baby please forgive me. Im sorry. I didnt mean to y- " he stops me. " No .. Dont apologize. You shouldnt be the one apologizing. I should. But .. I think the besr thing for us is to take a break for a while. " Those words struck me frozen. I cant believe what he just said. I start shaking. " No!! That will only make things worse!! Please Jake!! Dont do this!! " I yell and hug hik tightly. He doesnt push me away.

    I feel him shaking a bit and look and he is crying. I stand on my tip toes trying to give him a kiss. He stands up more straight to avoid me. Colby walks up and sees us. He gives Jake a death stare. He holds my arm. " Babe lets go. Leave him alone. He can find his own way home. " I push Colby's hand. I hug Jake more tightly. I feel his arm on my back. I hide my face in his chest. Colby sighs. I dont care. " Princess.. We cant do this right now... " He gets to my level. Yes im short. He is a six foot tall guy with my ( your height ) self. Ok? He grabs my chin to make me look at him. " Im sorry. " He says and kisses me softly. He goes to pull away and i grab his head and keep it there to kiss longer. He pulls away and stops me.

    Hd stands up. " Take care of her for me ok? " He says to Colby. He sighs and walks away. I fall to my knees crying. But maybe its for the best.

Woahh ok. This took a turn. But thank you again for 1.03k reads! It means alot. 
Also i think Jake is 6ft. Last time i know he was 5'8 but i saw a tiktok by Tara saying he is 6ft 🤷. Comment what you want to see or comment your height. Im short af. 4'11 XD so comparing to Jakey i would be at his stomach. Damn

Word Count - 973

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