What's next?

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Your pov
   Im not sure what to do. Colby isnt talking to me. Jake isnt here. Its couples day as well so everyone's out. Im alone in my room and pretty sad right now. I found out my family dog died and I havent seen her since I moved here. Im so upset. I need comfort. But no one is here to give it to me..

   I decide to treat myself. I get dressed and walk out my room. I go to walk out the door and see Colby. " Where are you going? To see Jake? " he says to me and leans against the door. " Uh no. Im going out for lunch. " I say. " With Jake. " He says. I get mad. " No! Im going by myself. Leave me alone! " I say and try to pull him away from the door but im too small.

    " Ugh! You're too big! Move! " I say. " Thats not how you ask princess. " He says. I blush. " Please move. " He shakes his head. " Can you please get out of my way? " He shrugs and walks away. " Can i go? " he asks. " No. " i say and run out to my car. I start it and drive. I dont know where ill go for lunch. So i just drive around. I see a familiar car in a parking lot and realize its Jakes. I decide to pull in and i see him in his car. I think and decide to scare him.

    I park and then get out and run up to his window and hit it. He jumps and looks at the window them smiles. I laugh hard. He rolls it down. " Now what you doing tryna scare me Princess ". I smile " I dont know. I was driving tryna find some place for lunch and i saw you. " He nods. " Well i was about to go in and eat if you wanna dine with me. " He says. " Sure! " I smile.

    We go inside and sit down. I keep getting calls from Colby. I dont answer. " You and Cole getting trouble now? Im sorry. " Jake says. I shake my head. " No he is just being a jerk lately. " I say and he nods. We order and eat. We walk out. " Where are you goinf now?  " He says. I shrug. " I was gonna go home i guess. " He nods. " Well we could go to the mall and walk around. I follow you there. " He says and I agree.

* Time skip to when they home bc its boring rn *

    Jake deciced to move back in. Im happy. Everyone else is. But Colby. He just had to be difficult. Colby asks to talk to me. We go to his room. " Colby why do you have to be difficult!? Leave him alone! He is being nice and fine and he apologized! " I yell. " Because he hurt you! You shouldnt bring him back! " He says. " And why!? Its his house too!! " I say. He sighs and raises his arms up in like annoyance.

( ? I honestly dont know how to explain it. But like you know when you just throw your hands im the air during an arguement when you can say anything else? I guess )

    I flinch thinking he is going to hit me cause my ex. He looks at me with genuine concern. " Y/n? Im so sorry. " I tear up and run out. "

Colby pov
   I should of know but I didnt think in that time. I feel so bad. I should go apologize..

Omg this is so boring. I have no ideas. I dont know what to write. Im so sorry is boring guys. Im literally stuck. If you have ideas please give me some.

Word Count - 618

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