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I wake up and take a shower . I get dressed for the day and walk downstairs and make breakfast for everyone . I made waffles . I start getting plates out and Colby comes down . " Hey Y/n . " he says . I look at him and smile . " Hi Colby " .

   " Hey . So i was thinking of doing a prank on Jake today . Wanna help ? " he asks me . I think about it for a minute . " Sure . What type of prank ? " i ask . " Uhm .. Cheating ? Like make him think you're cheating with me ? " he says . That wasnt what i was expecting . " Uhm how would we do that ? " i ask . " Well we will just be sitting in bed together and when he walks in he will see us and think you know what " He says . " So we wont actually be doing anything but he will think it . " i ask . He nods . " I dont want anyone getting physically hurt . So if he tries hurting you yell its a prank right away " i say . " Got it . Thank you " he says . I nod and hand him a plate . " Oh thank you again , he chuckles and so do i . " You're welcome " i say as i sit down and eat . " Oh and you know what you can do to sell it more ? Through out the day you can act like you're mad at him or something " he says . " Oh thats a good idea " I say . We both smile .

   Jake comes down and kisses my head . " Morning love . " he says and proceeds to get a plate . " Morning " i say and dont look at him . " Something wrong ? " he asks me and sits next to me . I shake my head and keep eating . He sighs and eats . I look at Colby a bit . He nods to me and walks upstairs . I look down to hide my chuckle and get up and put my plate away and walk upstairs . I hear Jake mutter " Ba-" then he stops and sighs .

    It was now 12 30 . Jake never came back in so he must of went out . Colby walks in " Jake will be back in 5 minutes . Lets get ready . " he says and sets thw camera up . " What's up guys , it's Colby . Today i am here with Jake's girlfriend Y/n . " he says pointing to me . " Hi " i say with a sweet smile and wave to the camera . Colby smiles " Today we are doing a cheating prank on Jake . Y The same one we did with Sam and Kat and Devyn and Corey but Y/n acted mad at Jake today to sell it more " he says " Yeah he even texted me earlier and i ignored it " i say and giggle " Wow heh . Well Jake will be back in like 3 minutes so we need to get ready " He says as he puts the camers in the corner of the room and runs to the bed and hops in .

We talk for a few minutes till we hear Jake walking up the stairs . I start giggling and he starts chuckling . " Colby stop " i say and Jake opens the door . He stares at us and we stare at him with fake scared faces on . " What the fuck !? " he runs at Colby and drags him off the bed and goes to punch him but Colby runs out screaming . Jake runs after him " YOU LITTLE BITCH GET BACK HERE !!!! " . I panic with real fear and run and grab the camera and run after them " JAKE JAKE BABY ITS A PRANK !!!!! LOOK !!!! " Jake looks at me while holding Colby by his shirt who is laid on the floor of the stairs . He sighs and lets go and walks down . I run to Colby . " Are you ok ? " i say and he chuckles " Yeah i think so " we both walk to Jake and i hand Colby the camera and hug him . " Awe im sorry baby . It was all his idea . " i say and kiss his cheek . " Welcome to the prank wars brother " Colby says . " Im gonna get you both back " Jake says and hugs me tight .

   Me and Jake cuddle for the rest of the day and i apologize a bunch of times to him for the prank .

Word count - 697

Sorry it was short .

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