Filled with cries

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( I know its a pic if Sam but i didnt have any pictures of Jake. But Sam is so cute in this picture )

    We go home and i cries the whole way. With Colby driving and his hand on mine trying to comfort me. When we get in the house i run to me and Jake's room and lay in the bed crying. It smells like him and i cry more. Kat runs in and hugs me. " Honey. Whats wrong? " She ask. I hug her tightly. Colby stands in the doorway. " Jake cheated on her .. Again.. When she was in the hospital.. We went to the amusement park and she was bugging him to tell her why he looked sad and he yelled it in front of everyone. She ran off , i tried to calm her down , she ran trying to find him again , he broke it off with her. "

   Kat is filled with shock. " With who ? " she asks. I stutter out " T-T-Tara again!! " i cry more and she rubs my back. " Ill talk to her. " She says. " You can sleep with me tonight Y/n/n. So you dont have to sleep on the couch or in here when Jake comes back. I mean he should get the couch but.. " Colby says. I nod. Kat gets an idea. " Hey. How about us girls go out. We will get ice cream ans go shopping. My treat you wont havs to pay for anything. " She says and smiles.

     I shake my head " No .. Im paying for my own stuff. " I say and she giggles. Colby smiles. " Have fun ladies. " he says. Kat walks out to go get dressed and he walks to me. He kisses me and lays me down softly. I push him up a bit. " I dont wanna .. Right now " He nods. " Ok thats fine. "  he says and kisses me again. I kiss back.

     A few minutes pass and im just laying in bed. I suggest i should get up and get dressed. I get up and grab a pink dress out but realized Jake bought me it. I go pick others clothes but realize they are all from Jake. I sit on the floor in a pile of my clothes. I cry silently. Devyn walks to my room " He- are you ok? " she asks. I look at her. " I .. Dont wanna go.. " I say. She walks to me. " Love.. You got to let him go .. Here. Ill help you clean up. And ill grab some of my clothes for you. Ok? This way you can buy clothes for yourself without them all being from him. " She says and smiles. I smile back. Its nice having friends to help you with a break up.

    We clean up and she grabs me clothes. I put them on and i feel pretty. We go out and walk to an ice cream shop. We walk in and order our ice cream and sit down. We start to eat it and talk then 2 people walk in. Jake and ... Tara!? I look away and go to get up. Kat looks at me then at them. She gets pissed and slams her drink down and walks to them. Oh no this aint good.

Kat Pov

   I Y/n start to panic at the ice cream shop and i saw why. I couldnt believe it. He was here with her after he just broke up with Y/n ans cheated on her. I walked to them pissed. " Are you kidding me Jake !? And Tara!! How could you do this to Y/n!! Jake this girl is so in love with you and you cheat on her twice and willingly when she is in the hospital !! What kind of sick fuck are you!? And then embarrassing her in front of the whole world at the amusement park !? And Tara i told you he has a girlfriend but you just dont fucking listen do you!! What are you a slut!? " she yells and everyone is silent but gasps when she calls Tara a slut.

   ( Im sorry dont hate me !! Ah!! )

   Im in shock. Jake looks at me and his eyes go hurt. He stands up. " I .. Came here to break it off with her Katrina..Im so sorry Y/n.. I- " He tries to speak as Tars gets up and is ready to punch Kat. Jake stops her. " No let her!! Go ahead hit me bitch !! Let everyone see the weakest you can do!! " Kat says and puts up her hair ( Omg this isnt Kat at all XD God my story sucks. Idk what this became anymore )

    Jake shakes his head and continues. " Ill be honest.. I never meant to hurt her.. Im a man and when she came onto me the first time .. I couldnt stop.. Im gonna spare everyone the details here but it felt good and i just gave in ... The second time my heart was just breaking from not having my princess in my arms at night .. I went to the bar and had a drink.. She was there and drunk out of her mind. " He says. A guy speaks up. " So you raped this little girl who was under the influence!? You should be in jail you bastard!! " he yells and people start throwing stuff at him. I cant believe what is happening. Poor Jakey..

   He yells " No !! She came onto me and pulles me into the bathroom!! I tried telling her no and the im taken and she is drunk !! " At this point he was crying. " She kept kissing me and i kept pulling away!! Everything i said just went through her fuckinf ears!! She jumped and i grabbed her so she wouldnt fall and hurt herself!! I stumbled back cause i was buzzed too!! I fell on the floor and she started grinding on me!! I tried pushing her off and she grabbed my hands !!! She raped me !! Yeah i know is sounds liked i raped her but i didnt !!! Please believe ne Y/n please !! " he says and looks at me.

    People are making comments towards him and he is staring at me pleading and crying. Tara speaks up. " Uhm.. It is true.. I did rape him.. Twice.. Im sorry.. " She says. The same guy says. " Oh darling you dont have to lie to make him feel better. " He says. We all yell ' Shut up ' to the guy. I look at Jake and sigh. " Jake .. I love you ... Im sorry too.. " Devyn whispers to me.. " But right now i think we should.. Just be away from each other for a bit .. And maybe in a little while when things are better we could try again ... But if you do it again im .. Moving back to my home town alone .. And yoy wont see me again .. Ive gone through so much shit in my life and i don't need anymore from you.. Im giving you one chance now to turn your life around and get it back in track ... " I say and he nods.

   " Ok I promise baby.. I promise ill be better.. Il change.. Ok? I promise you " he says and walks to me holding my hands. I look up at him. " And if you break this promise.. Im gonna kick your ass. " I say making everyone laugh. He smiles through his tears. " I wont. " he says and kisses me. And that was it. Me and the girls went shopping and home. Jake didnt come home. He probably stayed at Reggie's house or something. I stayed in our room that night. I slept alone. Well spelt meaning i stayed up all night thinking about the situation with a few little nap ins. But.. Same thing.. Lets see where this goes..

Omg .. This sounds like a cheesy Disney love story. I cant with the story anymore. XD It turned out so terrible!! Once again don't come at me from how i made Tara or how i made Kat act in this. I know its not them at all!! But i made this over a span of a few days and the rest from " A few minutes pass and im just laying in bed. I suggest i should get up and get dressed. " in the story was in the morning after a night of little to no sleep so im tired af right now. Sorry hope you still like it. Comment if you got any ideas.

Word Count - 1410

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