Falling for someone else

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I wake up and looks at Jake sleeping . I smile and go and take a shower . As im washing my hair , i think of yesterday and the prank . I chuckle to my self and finish my washing up . I get out and dry off then put new clean clothes on . I walk downstairs and have some cereal . I dont feel like cooking today .

I watch some tv as Colby comes down . " Seems like you are always the first one up besides me . " he says and i chuckle " Yeah heh " i say and he sits next to me . " What ya watching ? " he asks . " Supernatural " i say . " Cool " he says .

We watch it together and talk for a while . " That was funny " i say as i giggle and he smiles . I smile back at him then think " Wait .. Do i like Colby ? No i cant . Im with Jake . Maybe its just friend like . " i brush my thoughts off and continue talking and watching tv with him trying to convince myself its just a friendly liking .

* Colby pov *

I feel like im starting to develop a crush for y/n . She is with Jake though and their relationship is good so i don't wanna ruin it . I dont think she likes me back though . I was brought out of my thoughts by Sam walking in .

" Hey guys " he says and Y/n greets him back . " Hey Sam " i say . He walks over " What are you doing ? "He asks . " Watching tv and talking . How about you ? " Y/n says . " Nothing . Kat is still sleeping and i was just laying in bed so i decided to come downstairs . Can i watch tv and chat with you ? " he says . We agree and he sits next to us . I get up and go make myself something to eat while they talk .

12 comes around and Jake and Y/n are swimming around . Me and Sam are talking about possible video ideas and i occasionally watch Jake and Y/n . " What are you looking at ? " Sam asks me . I look at him " Oh nothing . What were you saying ? " i say to him . He brushes it off and we keep talking .

* Your pov *

Me and Jake are swimming around and i look inside and see Colby watching us . Jake must of too . " You see him watching us too ? " he asks . " Yeah . I think he might be mad at you for almost killing him yesterday " i joke and giggle . He smiles and splashes me " Oh stop " . He says and i giggle and splash him back . " Hey ! " he laughs and we splash each other . I hit him with a pool noodle . " Ahh ! You win ! " he screams and tries avoiding it . I cheer " Yay ! I always win ! " he chuckles and hugs me . " Yes you do my little princess . But i will win next time . " he says and smiles . " Dont be too sure about that " i say and wrap my arms around his neck . He chuckles and kisses me . I kiss him back then look inside and i see Colby get up and walk upstairs looking sad .

I get a little concerned " Wait . " i say to Jake and walk inside and Jake follows me . " What's wrong with Colby ? " i ask Sam . " I dont know . He just all of a sudden stormed upstairs . " He says . " Ill go talk to him . I think its my problem " Jake says and dries off a bit then walks upstairs .

* Colby's pov again *

I realize i do really like Y/n now . I saw them kiss and stormed upstairs . I dont know why but i did . Im trying to tell myself that i shouldn't of gotten sad over them kissing bc its their relationship . They are happy together . I should be happy that they are happy but im not . I want y/n to be mine but i cant have her .

Im taken out my thoughts again by a knock at the door . " Come in " i say . Jake walks in " Hey man . What's wrong ? We all saw you storm upstairs sad . " he says . I shake my head " Oh its nothing " i say . " That didnt look like nothing . Is it me ? Are you mad at me because of yesterday ? I said i was sorry . I didnt know it was a prank obviously . " he chuckles a bit . " No it isnt you . I forgive you . Its a personal problem but ill be ok . " i say . " Wanna talk about it ? Maybe we can help you . " he asks . " No but thank you for offering . I just have to get over it myself. " i say and look down a bit . " Oh ok . Well if you change your mind we are here for you . Ok ? " he says . I smile a bit " Thank you Jake . I will . " i say . He smiles " You're welcome . See you later " he says and walks out . Damn . Y/n is a lucky girl .

Soon y/n comes up and knocks . " Come in " i say and she walks in . I smile " Hey . Whats up ? " she asks . " Nothing much . You ? " i ask " We were thinking of getting Chick-fil-A or Taco bell for dinner . Which would you rather have ? " she says . " Oh damn . Hard decision . " i chuckle and she giggles cutely . I smile more " Uhm Chick-fil-a . " i say . She smiles " Ok . Thank you . Ill come back to get your order once we pick . " She says . " Ok see you " i say and she walks out . " Another Pick For Chick-fil-a ! " i hear her yell . I chuckle . " DAMMIT ! " i hear Jake scream and everyone laughs . I laugh as well to myself and open my door " CHICK-FIL-A IS BETTER !!! " i yell . " NO IT ISNT !! TACO BELL IS !! " Jake yells back . " I AGREE !!! " Corey yells " WHY ARE WE YELLING !? " i yell " I DONT KNOW !! " Jake yells and we all laugh . I hear y/n's cute laugh over everyones and i smile as i walk back in my room .

There will be a part 2 .

Word Count - 991

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