You two catch Jake

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* Time skip to when you are coming home from the store *

   We park and i purposefully didnt text Jake . Me and Colby get out and walk up to the door . He opens it and there we see it . Jake and another girl on the couch kissing while she is on his lap .

  " What the fuck !? " i hear Colby yell . They both jump and i start crying again . Jake runs over to me . " Baby baby . Its not what it looks like " he says . " Oh really ? Then who is she ! "

( No hate to her at all ) . She speaks up " Tara . Im his girlfriend . Who are you ? " i say " Im his girlfriend ! Jake you are cheating on me !? For how long !? " he looks very scared and very nervous . He starts stuttering . " Uhh .. We .. I .. She .. " . " You are a sick son of a bitch Jake " Colby says . Colby is visibally pissed .

" She has been nothing but nice and loving to you and for you to go behind her back and do this ? Wow " . I finally speak up " Colby .. Its not like we havent been doing the same thing .. " i say looking down . " What ? " i hear Jake say .

" When Colby was sad and he said he had a personal problem amd he talked to me he said he liked me .. We kissed and pulled away when you walked in .. Today was a date .. We been kind of together for a few days now .. Im sorry .. I didnt like the thought of it either but i like both of you and i dont know what to do .. But .. You found another girl and you seem to not love me anymore so .. Ill just pack my things and leave again .. You both wont have to worry about me .. " i say

   None of them say anything for a few seconds and at this point im silently balling . I go to the stairs and start to walk up . " Great . He didnt love you anyways . " Tara says and i stop . I lose control and i run down and punch her in her face and start fighting her . Jake and Colby run over and try pulling us apart . Colby picks me up and pulls me away while Jake pulls Tara away . I stand " Who is it gonna be Jake !? Me or her ! " Tara screams at him . He looks at her then at me .

    Kat walks down . " What is all the yelling ? " she says " Woahh Tara what happened ? " she asks and notices me . Noone says anything then it clicks . " Wait .. Y/n was Tara and Jake kissing when you walked in ? Tara i told you he had a girlfriend ! " . " She came onto me . I liked it and gave in . Im not with her . " Jake says . " Oh and you tell me this now ? " i say and scoff and walk upstairs . I walk into the bathroom and lock the door . I hear talking outside and yelling . I cry and wash off the blood and look at the bruises forming . To think he loved me . I dont know who i love . I love Colby but i love Jake just as much . I dont know what to do . Maybe what i said would be the right think . Moving out .   I walk out and lay on our bed . I cry myself to sleep .

     When i wake up i look around and look at the clock . 8 at night . I see a note . " Y/n . I truly love you . Please believe me . She came onto me and i couldnt stop . She told me she wont do it again and she appologizes . Please dont move out . I hope when you wake up you can forgive me . Come to the living room so we can have a talk . I have a surprise for you . I understand if you dont forgive me and you want to break up . I am really sorry and i will never forgive myself for it . I love you baby girl . Forever and always . Jake . "

   I sigh and get up and walk downstairs while putting on a hoodie . I hear Colby and Jake talking so i stop walking and listen in . " Well i still dont think what you did is right . You didnt stop her so you obviously liked it . Didnt you ? " Colby says . " A little bit but that still doesnt change my feelings toward y/n . I love her so much and i want to marry her . But like i wrote on the note , i understand if she doesnt want to stay with me or she doesnt forgive me . I just hope she does ." Jake says and i smile a bit . " I still think im a better choice for her . She is happy when she is around me unlike when i see her around you . You treat her like shit . I wouldnt cheat on her either . " Colby says and i roll my eyes . " Shut up . " Jake says . I walk in rubbing my eyes .

    " Hey lovely . " Jake says . " What do you want ? " i say . He sighs and hands me a box . I stare at it . " What is this ? " i say " Open it " he says and looks like an anxious child on Christmas . Before i open it it moves and i back away . I poke it . It moves again and i scream . Jake smiles and opens it . I gasps when he takes out a puppy .

 I gasps when he takes out a puppy

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" Jake ! " i say . He smiles and hands it to me . I hold it " Hi . Whats your name ? " i say to it . It looks up at me and licks my face . I smile . " He is yours . His name is Shadow but you can name him anything you want . " He says . " Why ? " i ask . " Why what ? " he asks . " Why did you buy him ? " i ask . " I bought him for you as an apology gift . And i wanna take about what happened . " Before he can say anything i walk to him and kiss his cheek . " You dont need to . I forgive you . " I say " But Y/n " Colby starts . I look at him " I have 1 condition though . " I say to both of them . They look at me . " I can sense Jolby here . " I smirk . ( #Jolby and #Solby 😊 😂 ) They look at each other .

Im so sorry for leaving on a cliff hanger . Im sorry for not posting . I couldnt get into my wattpad for a few days . I had to uninstall and reinstall and sign back in . This story had taken a weird turn but i will still add to it . This story is not over at all ! Love you ! If you have any ideas please comment !

Word count - 1096

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