Trying to keep it

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    Jake pov
I wake up and remember last night. I rub my face. Colby walks in and hops on me and kisses me. " Morning love. " I groan " Mm. Balls. How are you up so early and energetic? " I ask considering he is the one who sleeps till 2 in the afternoon. He shrugs and I hear his stomach growl. " Oh? Is the baby hungry? " I ask. He smiles " Yes. Can we go get breakfast and see our princess? " he asks and I pout. " Thats my name for her. And yes Im starving. " I say and sit up. He gets off me and I get dressed. " Abs " He says weirdly and walks to me and rubs my abs.

   " Excoos me. " I say and he still does it. " Excoos meee " He doesnt budge. " Exoos me!! " I say loud and he jumps out his trance. I laugh and he goes red and hides him being embarrassed with a laugh. We walk to me car and I drive to Denny's. We walk in and wait to be seated. A lady takes us to out table and we order drinks. She leaves to give us time to order and I look at the menu.

   " I was thinking we should go back to Kansas with her. Show her around. Let her meet Gage. And she can meet Jillian and Ryan. " Colby says and I smile. " Oh that'll be awesome. And Sam can come and she can meet Ben and Allison! " I say and he smiles

     " You have the best ideas baby bubba. " I say and he giggles. I smile in awe. The waitress comes back and I see she is flirting with Colby. He looks uncomfortable. " Hey he has a girlfriend. " I say. She looks at me and sighs. She then takes our order and leaves. " She isnt getting a good tip. " I say and he nods. " Bleh she wasnt even cute. " he says and i laugh. Then he hit me with the question i was dreading. " So where did you go last night? I went to ask you something and you were gone. " My heart dropped.

   " Uh i went to a bar" i said. " Which bar and why didnt you ask me to go with you? " he asked. " I went to the bar on Ashley. And i just wanted to be alone

And i thought you were sleeping anyway" i say looking down. He nods. In my head im mentally killing my self. Im such a terrible boyfriend. Ill just run away to Kansas my self and tell no one. Start my life over. Leave everyone behind. No i cant do that .. I need to be here for them.

      He holds my hand and i look at him and smile. He looks to see if anyone is looking then he leans over the table and kisses me. I smile in the kiss. I cant leave this beautiful blue eyed baby behind. The sweetest boy in the world. No i could never. Or my beautiful baby girl. With her cutest laugh the funniest humor. Her delicate sexy body. Lucious hair and gorgeous eyes i just love to stare into. How could i leave them behind? Ill just leave my brain behind. Just take it out and throw it away. Grow a new one. But thats not how life works does it ? No you just gotta forget it and that never works either. Ill just live knowing im the worst guy in the world and i cheated willingly twice on my girlfriend and boyfriend.

      The waitress comes back with out food and we talk and eat. After we are done i place the money on the table and give her a penny for a tip. We laugh about it and walk out. We drive to the hospital. We walk to her room and i see her sitting up. I smile " Hey look who is sitting up on her own. " She looks up and smiles brightly as her eyes light up. I smile and almost just tear up there. She does little grabby hands to us and i hug her first. She hugs me softly. She hugs Colby next.

     She speaks softly. " I missed you both. I wanna leave. I dont like it here. I havent gotten a good nights sleep cause they come in checking me every hour " I nod. " I know baby. And we will get you out soon " i say. She sighs. I check her wounds on her chest and they dont look good. " Have you been cleaning these babe? " i ask and she shakes her head. I grab the alcohol and bandages and go to take hers off. She squeals and pushes me away. I look at her confused " What? Im gonna clean them. " i say and she gets under the covers and shakes her head. " Whats wrong? " i ask and she mutters " Its gonna hurt. " I chuckle.

    " Yeah it might love but thats because its getting clean. If you dont clean them you will get an infection and it will hurt worse than this. " I say and she doesnt budge. Colby helps me sit her up and holds her and she giggles and screams cutely. " NOO!!" she screams and i smile as i take off her bandages and put the alcohol on her wounds and hold a napkin to them. Her cute little giggles and squeals quickly turn into heartbreaking screams and whines and cries. I feel bad but at least im helping her from hurting worse. She just keeps screaming and crying. A nurse runs in and pushes me onto the floor hard and pushes Colby into the curtain and he falls over tumbling and getting tangled with the curtains.

     She takes the napkin off Y/n's chest and bandages it up. " Are you crazy!? What are you doing!? " she screams at us. I yell back " What the fuck are you doing!? Why did you push us down!? Im preventing my girlfriend from getting an infection in her gunshot wounds because you lazy asses wont do it yourselves!! " i stand up and look a lt my elbow that is now scraped up and bleeding. I walk to Colby and untangle him. He is ok just dizzy and will probably have some bruises.

    I look at the nurse with dead eyes. She tells us ' We dont do that cause it can infect the wound.  ' It will get infected if you dont! Is she dumb!? Did she go to medical school? Or just walzted in here and said ' Im a doctor i know what im doing bleh bleh bleh! ' and got the job.. She walked out after scolding us. Once i saw the coast was clear, i picked up Y/n and walked out. She didnt even budge she just held onto me. Colby followed after us not saying a word.

Heyo!! Sorry i keep leaving y'all on cliff hangers!! I like to keep the suspense high. :)

Word Count - 1156

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