Special Times

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When we are close to landing Colby wakes me up. " I slept the whole time? Damn. " I said. " yeah. And you looked cute while doing so " He says making me blush. He smiles. I lean over Jake and look out the window. I see the ground and it looks so cool from above. Jake smiles and rubs my back.

We land and everyone stands up to get their bags. I stay sitting cause I don't wanna get ambushed and pushed but when everyone starts leaving I start walking and a guy is complaining cause I can't get my bag out the overhead. I apologize but he then gets mad and grabs my bag out roughly and throws it at me. Jake goes to yell but I stop him and just walk out. Impatient people man.

" I know you wanted to say something but this is supposed to be a good vacation baby. Please don't make it bad. Let him complain. " I say and he nods. ' He just didn't have to do that. " He says " I know. " We grab our other bags of the conveyer belt and call a taxi.

We get to the hotel and we all have a presidential suite. ( ofc ) " Imagine it was haunted " Colby says. We all laugh " I wish " Sam said. " Of course you wish. You want another demon up you ass. " I say and they all laugh. " Should we do a seance just for the hell of it? " Colby says and Corey yells " No! No! No! If you do me and Devyn are getting a room by ourselves. I'm not doing that again! " We laugh and just order food and go to bed for the night. Me and Jake cuddle up and fall asleep happy in each others arms.

Once we wake up, we all go out to eat and head over to Kats family first. We had a good time and I got to see her family again. They greeted me nicely. Her mom embarrassed Sam by asking when he's marrying her which was funny. He got all red.

After that we head over to my family. I hope my parents approve of Jake. I walk up to the door and ring the bell. My mom opens the door and screams with delight. She hugs me tight and cries. I smile and hug her " Hi mom! " She grabs my face softly." oh my god my baby is home! I missed you so much! " She says I smile " I missed you too mom. How you been? " She says good and we all start talking.

My dad comes out and asks " Woah so many unrecognizable people. Who's everyone sweetie? " I laugh. " Dad well you already know Kat. That's Sam her boyfriend. That's Colby. That's Corey and his girlfriend Devyn. And this is .. Jake" . I say as I put my hand on his hand. My mom jumps with excitement realizing. I smile. My dad catches on. " He's your boyfriend? " I nod. And now he it comes. The interrogation.

Sorry to leave off a cliffhanger! I just wanted to finish this chapter. I'm back!

Word count- 518

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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