Chapter 21 - The Elven King

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The Elves had us completely surrounded.

"No way out of this one," Gloin whispered to me. I shook my head.

"Search them!" The blonde, yet extremely handsome elf ordered. Who was he?

The elves all came up to us and started patting us down, removing our weapons.

They led us away. I looked behind me at Thorin.

"Thorin, where's Bilbo?" I whispered. He looked around but shook his head. I turned my head forward.

The Elves pushed us along. I kept glancing over at the blonde elf. Who was this guy?

He strode up next to me and looked me up and down. Mostly down. I stared at him. He smirked.

"My father is going to enjoy feasting his eyes on you..." he spoke. Thorin glared at him.

"Your father?" I asked. "Who is your father?"

He lifted a brow and cocked his head. "You'll see."

I turned my head away from him, facing forward.

"You're not a dwarf, nor a hobbit," he observed. "Yet you're not beautiful enough to be an Elf, but you're far too short to be a human. Tell me...what exactly are you?"

I turned my head back towards him.

"I am a nymph."

He furrowed his brows. "Nymphs have been extinct for decades."

"I'm the only one who survived the Orc attack that wiped out my species. I'm the last one in all of Middle-Earth."

"You're brave," he stated. "You're going to need that quality when you face my father."

"If you will not tell me who your father is, at least tell me who you are, fair Elf," I requested as charmingly as I could.

He stared at me.

"I am Legolas: Prince of Mirkwood."

I furrowed my brows and turned my head away for a final time.

Prince of Mirkwood? Then that means...


The Elves led us into a grand, wooden palace. We walked along on a great log that led us through the tree-like palace to the throne room.

They pushed us along onto a platform, where, on a throne made of wood and moose antlers, sat cross legged, a tall and regal Elf, wearing a crown of branches and eyebrows that screamed for your gaze.

His icy blue eyes turned onto the company. He tilted his head at the sight of us. My heart fluttered at the sight of him. His pale skin was flawless and his lips were perfectly arched like a well-crafted bow.

"They were wandering in our boarders," Legolas informed. "We have their weapons. What would you like us to do with them?"

The king ran a finger through his long blonde hair and sighed.

"Put them in the dungeon," he ordered, his voice deep and smooth as velvet. It felt like sliding along silk. "Except for Oakenshield and the girl."

Legolas nodded as he and the rest of the gaurd took the other elves away. I noticed Kili stealing glances at an Elleth who was pushing him along. Not glares. I couldn't entirely tell what. But not hate.

That was one thing I envied about the Elves. They let their women fight if they want to. I wished Thorin could see the way that they did. But he did not see eye to eye to them at all. Not just height wise, but especially after how they abandoned him after Smaug attacked. And now, here we were, standing before the very Elf king who betrayed Thorin in his greatest moment of need, and at his mercy.

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