Chapter 18 - Beorn's Hall

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With horrified looks on our faces, we all got up and ran as fast as we could out of the mountain trail.

"Hurry now!" Gandalf urged. "Quickly!"

We picked up our pace as we entered into a forest. Orcs close on our trail, we picked up the pace. We heard a road in the distance. We abruptly stopped and looked behind us, as did the orcs.

"This way!" Gandalf urged. "Quickly!"

We finally reached a field and was approaching a house that was surrounded by gardens and a small stone wall. I thought my eyes deceived me as I saw Bombur pass us in our pursuit of the house.

The bear broke into the clearing and started bounding towards us. I turned my head and ran faster than ever before.

We made it to the house. For some reason, the dwarves weren't able to open it. Thorin stayed behind to make sure everyone made it in. After everyone made it, he ran up and unlatched the door.

My heart pounded faster as the bear approached closer and closer. We ran inside and pushed the door shut, only to have the bear push his head through the small crack that was left. We shrieked in terror. We finally closed the door.

"What was that?" Ori asked.

"That is our host," Gandalf put simply. We all turned to look at him in disbelief. "His name is Beorn. He's a skin changer."

"How close are we to Mirkwood?" I asked Thorin.

"I think we are close," he replied. "But I don't know how far we'll get with Orcs and an enormous bear on our trail."

"You have a point..."

"We'll figure something out. We always do."

I smiled and nodded. "You're right."

"Alright now, get some sleep, all of you," Gandalf said. "You'll be safe here tonight."

We all started getting settled down. Gandalf whispered to himself, but I heard it.

"I hope."


Once I was sure everyone was asleep, I got up and walked over to Thorin. I just stood there for a moment, his back to me, debating if I should talk to him or not.

I walked over to his front and bent down. His eyes were open.

"Yes?" he asked.

Taken aback, I took a step backwards.

"Oh, sorry, it's nothing." I started walking back to my sleeping place.

"Jaedda," he called. I turned back around, my face red. "What is it that you need?"

I stared at him. He chuckled. "Come here."

"No. Really, I'm okay."

"I order you."

I furrowed my brows at his sudden act of tyranny.

"You are still my servant after all."

I rolled my eyes as I walked over to him.

"This journey has made me realize a lot of things," he spoke. I lifted a brow. "I know that courage can exist in anyone. A hobbit, or a woman, or even a child."
We looked over at his two nephews who were snuggled up against each other. Their companionship was touching, but it made me chuckle a little.

"What suddenly changed your mind?" I asked, turning my gaze toward him.

"Something special," he said. "I've never felt it before, but I know what it is."

"And what is it?" I asked, my heart pounding in anticipation for the answer.

"That is for another day," he answered, disappointing me.

"Oh," I replied. "Alright then."

I got up and started back to my sleeping place. I hardly made it three steps when someone opened the door. I quickly dropped to the floor, praying it wasn't an Orc.

In the moonlight, the silhouette of a tall, rather hairy man appeared. I lifted an eyebrow. Was that the bear man?

He scanned the room and saw all of the sleeping dwarves. He looked slightly bewildered, but then a look of realization came over his face.

I looked to my left at Gandalf.

"Gandalf!" I whispered. His eyes were open. "Gandalf!" I whispered again. Suddenly, I remembered that he slept with his eyes open. I leaned over and shook him awake. He suddenly woke up.

"What is it, little Jaedda?" he asked.

"I think Beorn just walked in."

He looked up at the man.

"Ahhh," he said. "Let me speak to him."

The wizard rose up. "Go back to sleep, you two," he ordered me and Thorin. "You needn't worry about anything."

Thorin and I nodded. I started back to my sleeping place.

"Jaedda, wait," Thorin said. "Stay with me."

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