Chapter 13 - Captured

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The goblin horde brought us through a vast network of tunnels and wooden bridges to the throne room and platform of the Great Goblin.

The Great Goblin was a massive goblin sitting on a throne, and holding a mace topped with a scull. He was larger than any other goblin, and incredibly ugly, with warts swinging all over his appendix of a chin.

Our weapons were piled together, and I looked upon them in disappointment. I would've loved to slice off the Great Goblin's extra chin.

The Great Goblin hopped off his throne, stomping on several goblins as he approached us.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom?" the goblin demanded. "Spies? Thieves? Assassins?"

"Dwarves, Your Malevolence," one of the goblins answered. So he was the king.

"Dwarves?" the king asked.

"We found them on the front porch."

"Well don't just stand there! Search them!" the goblin king exclaimed. "Every crack! Every crevasse!"

The goblins searched us thoroughly, throwing away whatever they found. Thorin quickly threw my hood over my head so as not to give away my gender. The goblins feeling around my body was particularly disturbing. At that moment, I was so thankful that I didn't end up as these creatures' sex slave. How revolting. Just the thought of it made nausea crawl up my esophagus.

"What are you doing in these parts?!" the Great Goblin shouted. "Speak!"

The entire company remained silent. There's no way we would tell him anything.

"Well then. If they will not talk, we will make them squawk!" he exclaimed. The goblins all cheered. The Great Goblin began demanding that horrible torture devices be brought out, the names of which made me cringe in horror.

"Start with the youngest." He pointed to Ori, who looked around in shock and confusion.

"Wait." Thorin stepped forward in protest. I grabbed his arm to hold him back, but he shook me off.

"Well well well," the king said. "Look who it is! Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror! King under the mountain!" He gave Thorin a sarcastic bow. From under my hood, I gave him a look of disgust. "Oh, but I'm forgetting, you don't have a mountain, and you're not a king. Which makes you...nobody, really," he insulted.

Thorin clenched his jaw, resisting the urge to grab his sword and chop off his head. The goblin leaned in close.

"I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head."

I thought back to Bree and those two, gruff looking fellows who had come out of the Prancing Pony, in their failed attempt to kill Thorin. Who had sent them? I never asked them that...

"Perhaps you know of whom I speak," the Great Goblin continued. "An old enemy of yours..." He held up a finger to Thorin. "A pale Orc astride a White Warg."

Thorin's nostrils flared, and his eyes grew wide.

"Azog the Defiler was destroyed," he argued. "He was slain in battle long ago!"

Azog? Thorin had killed him! Or had he...He had cut off his arm. Had an infection killed him? Or did the scum live on? I shuddered.

"So you think his defiling days are done, do you?" he taunted. He and the goblins all laughed as we stood there dumbfounded, not knowing if this creature was telling the truth, or bluffing.

The Great Goblin turned to a little goblin sitting in a basket and holding a slate.

"Send word to the Pale Orc;" he told the goblin. "I have his prize."

The little goblin nodded as he wrote this down on the slate. Cackling, he then pulled a lever, causing the basket to start sliding down a system of ropes and pulleys into the darkness.

I turned my attention back to the Goblin King, not knowing what was going to happen next. He stomped on more goblins as he climbed back onto his throne. His eyes skimmed the company, but his focus eventually landed on me. I wished I could hide, but I was afraid my cloak made me stand out more than I would've without it. There was nothing I could do now.

Thorin noticed this and ran over to me.

"You there!" the Goblin King called. "Remove that man's hood!"

Man? I suppose he wouldn't be able to tell the difference with my hood.

A goblin came forward and reached for me. I shrunk away from it as Thorin fought it off. This caused an uproar from the other goblins. The king observed more intently.

"Take off the hood!" he yelled. "What have you got to hide, Thorin Oakenshield?"

Thorin growled at the goblins, but eventually they held him back along with the rest of the dwarves who tried to help. I fought off as many goblins as I could with my bare hands before they overtook me. I struggled to get free, but to no avail.

"Take off his hood!" the king repeated.

"NO!" Thorin screamed.

A goblin's hand reached up and pulled my hood off, his claw like fingernails scratching my cheek. I let out a shriek, and hoped that it's disgustingness wouldn't cause an infection later on.

The goblins as well as their king shrunk back from me a bit.

"It's a female!" one of the goblins exclaimed.

"And a pretty little thing she is too..." the goblin king further observed. I cowered away from him.

Thorin's anger got the best of him, and he broke away from the goblin's grasp and ran to me, putting his arms around me. I buried my head into his chest.

"Don't you touch her, filth!" he ordered.

"Awe, now where's the fun in that?" he teased. He turned to his mercenaries. "Tie her up."

The goblins tackled Thorin as he clung onto me, trying to defend me. But he was failing at a steady rate. The goblins overpowered him and chained him and the rest of the dwarves down. I looked to him, distressed, but he could do nothing.

The goblins took me by force and brought me to a high platform, facing everyone, and tied my arms up to two posts. This was not the way you tied someone up simply to keep them still. This was the way you tied someone up with intentions of doing things to them. Not good things.

I started to panic. I did not want to be defiled by these disgusting creatures. I had never laid with any one before. To think, my first time would be taken by a disgusting goblin, likely who would give me and infection by doing so, utterly repulsed me. I wanted to throw up, but I hadn't really eaten a lot the past few days, so there was nothing to throw up. I just stood there, limp and defenseless, awaiting my fate, to be defiled and humiliated in front of my friends and master.

"You know what to do," the king told the others. They all cackled and shouted in delight as they flooded towards me.


I know I'm so bad. Don't know how she's gonna get out of this one...

Jk yes I do, I'm the author. :>

I've been waiting to write this chapter for sooo long! It's more intense in the next chapter just wait 😈

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