Chapter 29 - The Wrath of a Dragon

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"Jaedda!" Thorin shouted. "Jaedda, get back here!"

I ran faster than ever. Something was definitely wrong with Thorin. Our joyous moment had been quite short lived. He was acting like...a dragon.

I had to warn Bilbo. We had to hide until Thorin's phase passed. I did not want to be in his way.

I heard them in the distance start to run after me.

"Jaedda!" Thorin continued shouting.

I rounded a corner to see Bilbo standing, catching his breath at a landing.

"Bilbo!" I exclaimed.

"Jaedda?" he asked. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"Bilbo, it's Thorin," I explained. "He's acting strangely. Not like himself at all. It's scaring me! We have to get out of here!"

"We're stuck," Bilbo stated.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Smaug has awoken. He's after me. And Thorin is after you. There's no escape; we're trapped!"

I looked around nervously, not knowing what else to do.

"Did you find the Arkenstone?" I whispered.

He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Thorin. He ran out out of the tunnel and on to the landing.

"You're alive!" he exclaimed towards Bilbo.

"Not for much longer," Bilbo contradicted.

"Did you find the Arkenstone?" Thorin inquired.

"The dragons coming!" Bilbo exclaimed.

"The Arkenstone!" Thorin shouted. They stared at each other for several seconds. Thorin spoke again, but more softly. "Did you find it?"

They stared at each other for several more seconds.

"No. We have to get out."

Bilbo tried to leave through the tunnel, but Thorin held up his sword to the exit, blocking him from leaving.

Bilbo gave him a look of confusion. Thorin took the sword and pointed it to Bilbo's chest.

"Thorin?" Bilbo said. "Thorin!"

Thorin stepped forward, making Bilbo stumble back.

"Stop it!" I cried.

Bilbo's eyes grew wide with fear, but suddenly looked to his right. Thorin followed his gaze, and I did the same. Rounding a corner, was the dragon, Smaug.

"Holy..." I breathed.

The other dwarves, shouting, came out of the tunnel with their weapons up. I breathed heavily, fear coursing through my veins. Smaug, immediately recognizing Thorin, snarled. He roared and rushed at us, his chest and neck glowing orange.

"You will burn!" he roared.

My heart pounded. Just as Smaug bellowed fire at us, we turned and jumped off of the staircase. We tumbled down the pile of treasure and landed near the entrance of another tunnel.

"Jaedda," Thorin said. "Go out and wait for us near the front gate. We'll take care of the dragon.

"No!" I protested. "I want to fight!"

"I can't loose you!" he exclaimed. "Now obey me as your master and go!"

I ground my teeth and jumped up to leave out through the previous tunnel. Smaug began chasing the rest of the company, but turned to examine me for a moment. We made eye contact. He glared, but did nothing more, and proceeded to chase the company.

I ran out the tunnel to the cliff where we had entered the mountain. The lights of Laketown twinkled below. Had they felt Smaug when he awoke? Were they trying to evacuate?

I wish I could warn them... I thought. Kili and Fili. Oin and Bofur. They're all down there. I wandered how Kili was faring. Had the poison killed him already?

I thought about that Elleth with the red hair from Mirkwood. She and Kili seemed to have some sort of connection. A romantic connection, perhaps? Would Thorin allow that? A bond between an Elf and Dwarf, especially his own kin. It would be hypocritical for him not to.

And Thorin. What was wrong with him? He was acting so self centered, greedy and violent. As soon as Smaug had awoken, his whole persona suddenly just changed.

I made my way down the mountain to the front gate, that was sealed off by Smaug from 60 years earlier. I waited outside for at least 30 minutes, while I heard great commotion from inside the palace. I worried. Was everyone still alive? Was Bilbo alright? Was I going to be left alone?

Suddenly, the dragon erupted from the mountain, covered in gold. Before I could react, I felt sharp talons around my body. I shrieked.

"Jaedda!" Several of the Dwarves called out to me.

"Help me!" I cried, even though I knew they couldn't.

"I smell Oakenshield on you..." Smaug stated. "Have comfort in knowing that you will be missed."

And with that, I was dropped from the air, and into the freezing water below.


God, I hate Smaug. Just like...UUUUGGGHHH

I am fire. I am..DEATH!!!

You're a drama queen👍

Please comment and vote!! Luv u guys😘

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