Chapter 1 - Bree

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The Wizard was a wise and reasonable fellow. He understood my situation completely. The Orcs had wiped out my entire species. If I had been home at the time of the raid, I would be dead as well.

With no place to stay, and no one to love me, Gandalf, the Wizard, took me in. We traveled together for about a year. We talked of our foes and battles that we had experienced, and even experienced some together.

One day, Gandalf spoke of going to Bree. So, we traveled there together. As we walked down the streets of Bree one rainy night, I noticed a man wearing a dark cloak heading in our direction. He was clearly not a human, for he was much too short. But didn't give off the aura of a hobbit. He turned, and walked into a pub, The Prancing Pony.

Gandalf noticed this person too. We walked over to the pub.

"Stay here, Little Jaedda," he spoke softly to me.

"What are you going to do?" I asked. "Why have we come here, Gandalf?"

"You remember the Dwarf that saved you from the Defiler, do you not? Or have you forgotten?"

My eyes widened. He chuckled and proceeded to walk into the pub. He turned his head back once more.

"If trouble arises for you out here, I'm sure you'll be capable of defending yourself, correct?"

I smiled and nodded, while resting a hand on my sword, and gripping my bow tighter. Gandalf turned and proceeded into The Prancing Pony.

I looked out over the streets of Bree, my head hidden inside of my hood.

So the person that I saw was Thorin Oakenshield. I thought. What business could Gandalf possibly have with him?

Suddenly, from out of the pub emerged two, gruff looking vagabonds. They seemed angered by something. I turned my head towards them. That seemed to catch their attention. They started toward me. I began slowly pulling out my sword.

"You!" one of them pointed at me. "Who is that old man that just walked in? Are you with him?"

"What concern is it to you?" I asked.

"We have orders to kill the Dwarf he is with," the other stated. "And we can't cut off his head while he is in the company of someone else."

"I'm sorry. I don't know anything about what you're talking about. Who is this Dwarf?"

They started walking backwards.

"Thorin Oakenshield," one of them replied. They turned and began walking swiftly away. So someone wanted to kill Thorin. I wander who...?

Gandalf emerged from the pub, a Dwarf at his side. They started walking towards me.

"Jaedda," Gandalf greeted. "Meet Thorin Oakenshield."

I shifted my gaze towards him. His hood still covered his head, but he turned his head up so I could get a better view of his face. We were about the same height, he being a bit taller. His blue eyes pierced into mine. He just stared at me, his brows furrowed.

I bowed my head. "It's an honor to meet you, Master Thorin."

He returned my bow. "Likewise," he spoke in a deep voice.

"Thorin, Jaedda fought in the Orc war to protect Moria. Azog almost killed her, but you stepped in and saved her," Gandalf informed.

"I did?" Thorin asked. "You fought in the Orc war?"

"Is that an issue?" I asked.

"It's a bit strange."

"I'm a good warrior. It doesn't matter what my sex is." I looked to the side. "Anyway. I looked for you after the battle to thank you, but I never saw you again."

He seemed taken aback. I kneeled to him. "And now I have found you. So thank you for saving my life. I owe my service to you."

He stared at me.

"Well, it all works out then," Gandalf said. "Thorin has just agreed to rally his forces to take back Erebor, once and for all."

"What does that have to do with me?" I asked.

"You just pledged your services to Thorin. It means you'll be joining us on the Journey."

"I'm not sure such a trek is safe for a woman," Thorin said. "Or anybody, for that matter."

Angered by his sexist statement, I spoke up. "Count me in."

Gandalf and Thorin both turned their heads to me. Gandalf smiled. "Good," he said. "Now the only thing we need now, is a burglar."

"Burglar?" I asked.

"To retrieve the Arkenstone," Thorin answered.

"What's an Arkenstone?"

Thorin rolled his eyes.

Gandalf pondered. "It cannot be a dwarf."

"I could do it," I volunteered. Thorin chuckled sarcastically.

"No, no not you, Jaedda. The dragon is familiar with the sent of Nymph." He bowed his head and thought for a few moments. "A hobbit," he said. "And I know just the one."

"Who?" Thorin asked.

Gandalf turned towards Thorin. "Gather up your bravest soldiers and go to the Shire in two days, with supplies for a years journey."

Thorin nodded. "What house shall we go to?"

Gandalf lifted an eyebrow. "You'll know. Tell the others that they'll see a special mark on this door. And that there will be food."

Thorin chuckled. "That'll get them in action."

"Wonderful," Gandalf sighed. "I shall see you in two days, then." He started walking away. "Come along, Jaedda."

"Not so fast," Thorin protested. Gandalf and I turned our heads towards him. I lifted an eyebrow.

"This Nymph has pledged her services to me. She travels with me."

Gandalf smiled. "Very well."

I looked to Gandalf and widened my eyes in protest. He gave me a small push back over to Thorin.

"Then I shall see both of you in two days then." He turned and left, without another word.

"Let's move," Thorin ordered. We walked together through Bree.

Thorin may have saved my life, but I was not looking forward to spending so much time with him now. I regretted pledging myself to him. What was I thinking? I did not like this Dwarf. Not one bit.

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