Chapter 22 - Rescue

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I waited in that room for hours and there was no one who came. I grew so hungry that I felt compelled to eat the food that had been offered to me. I scarfed it down and guzzled the wine that was of the finest make. Every last drop.

I looked out the window into the forest below. There was no way out. There were Elves guarding every gate and entrance. But I swore I saw a few Orcs... Wow I'm tired...

I sighed and slumped down on a chair. I picked up a hand mirror that was lying on a table next to me and examined my face in it.

I hadn't bathed for days. Not since Rivendell. That was a few weeks ago. I shuddered at how much I must stink and decided to take a bath.

By the time I got out of the tub, it was very dark outside. I looked at a large clock in the room. It was nearly midnight.

Sleepiness claiming my eyelids, I flopped onto the bed and was immediately sent to dream land.


My eyes snapped open. Someone had opened and closed the wooden door to the room quite loudly. Heavy footsteps walked across the floor. I pretended to still be asleep.

The person walked right up next to the bed. I tried my hardest to keep my breathing steady. But, I twitched against my will. I internally flinched.

"How cute..." the person commented. Thranduil.

A huge wave of dread was washing over me. What was gonna happen to me?

He suddenly crawled onto the bed and grabbed my wrist. I flung my eyes open and immediately started fighting back.

"Let go!" I screamed.

"Ah. So you are awake," he said, slightly backing down.

"What are you doing, Thranduil?" I demanded.

He gave me a sinister smirk. "Isn't it obvious?"

He advanced on me further. I held out an arm to stop his advances.

"Thranduil, stop! This is madness!" I shouted.

"Don't worry, I don't want to make you mine. But your line has to live on somehow, and they won't be nearly as beautiful as their race originally was if you marry a dwarf," he scoffed. "I'm doing you a favor."

I looked out the window to see the sun rising. This was going to be a terrible start to a new day...

"Thorin..." I whispered.

Thorin's POV

Just as I had hoped, Bilbo came and released us from the dungeon.

"Follow me," Bilbo said. "This way!"

"Wait!" I ordered. "We have to save Jaedda!"

"Jaedda?" Bilbo asked. "Where is she?"

"Thranduil kept her behind!" I whisper-shouted. "But why?"

"I think we all know why..." Balin doomed.

My eyes widened. No. Not Jaedda. Anybody but her. She was my last ray of sunshine in a mountain of flame. What had suddenly caused this great passion?

"Thorin, we don't exactly have the time to go on a search for Jaedda," Bofur said.

I turned to him. "But what if he defiles her?!"

My company became silent.

"Thorin, come here..." Bilbo said, reaching up to me. "The rest of you; stay put please."

He pulled me around a corner. He looked around nervously.

"Master Baggins?" I asked. "What is it?"

"I would not show you this unless there was no other choice. I didn't even show Gandalf."

"Tell me what it is, Bilbo," I ordered, tilting my head.

He looked down at his large, hairy feet and pulled something out of his pocket. A gold ring.

"A ring?" I asked.

"It will make it so that you are completely unseen by anyone else," he explained. "Watch."

He slipped the ring onto his middle finger and immediately after, he disappeared.

"Bilbo?" I asked. He appeared again as he took the ring off.

"Here, take it," he requested. "Do not tell anyone."

"Bilbo, I don't-" Before I could finish, he slipped the ring into my hand and scurried away.

I examined the ring closely, having a sudden longing for it. I shut my eyes and shook my head quickly. I had a task at hand. To find Jaedda and stop Thranduil. That is if he hasn't done anything yet.

I suddenly heard screams from above me. Jaedda...

"Thorin's going to find Jaedda," Bilbo informed the others. "The rest of you, follow me."

They disappeared around a corner. I slipped the ring on and ran through the palace as fast as I could. I went to the top floor where I figured Thranduil's room was. As expected, there was a single room on the top floor, and the sounds were flooding out of it.

Anger boiling inside of me, I removed the ring and slipped it carefully in my pocket. I ran forward and slammed myself against the door, busting it open.

Looking across the room, I saw Jaedda. Her wrists were being held above her by Thranduil and he was trying to cease her kicking.

"THORIN!" she screamed.

Growling, I lunged forward and pulled Thranduil off of her by his long hair. He shouted in pain as he threw me down to the ground.

"How the hell did you escape?!" he screamed.

I smirked as I punched him in his face right where the burn was. His weak spot.

Recoiling in pain, he shrunk back and held a hand to his face.

"Jaedda," I called, offering my hand to her. "Come with me."

She ignored my hand and flung her entire body at me, knocking me over.

"Thorin..." she whispered. "You're late."

"I am sorry," I apologized.

I heard Thranduil start to get up.

"Oakenshield...!" he raged.

I pulled Jaedda up and started running out of the room.

I slipped the ring on, turning me invisible as well as Jaedda since I was clinging onto her, however I don't think she noticed.

We ran through the halls and down to the cellar. I quickly removed the ring.

My company was in barrels and waiting for something to happen.

I helped Jaedda into one of the barrels then climbed in myself, not knowing what the burglar had planned for us.

"What do we do now?" Bofur asked.

"Hold your breath," Bilbo replied.

Before anyone could finish a protest, he pulled a lever and we were suddenly submerged in the watery mote.


So yeah I did a Thorin POV but it won't happen very often. I think I might do some during when Thorin's supposed to be fighting in battle of the five armies, but IDK.

Also, the stuff that was in BOTFA probably won't be as cannon as I would like since there are no transcripts out and I clearly don't have the movie memorized. Idk maybe that's a good thing...

Anyway. I have to go to school. Or do my homeschooling rather. Ugh.

QOTD: Who is your favorite Hobbit character?

Answer: THRANDUIL or THORIN. It is cruel to make me choose.

Have a good day and please vote and comment!! I love you!

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