Chapter 26 - Decisions, Decisions

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I followed Thorin up the stairs. By the time I made it up the stairway, Thorin was speaking to Dwalin and Balin. Fili was tending to Kili, while the other dwarves talked amongst themselves. I wandered over to Thorin, Balin and Dwalin.

"An escape will not be easy," Balin said. "We have to get past Bard and his children."

"The barge man isn't here," Thorin reminded. "Where has he gone anyhow?"

"What does it matter?" Dwalin said rhetorically. "We should make a move while we can. If we wear our cloaks, we can pass as children."

"I agree with Dwalin," Thorin said. "But if you do not find it wise, Balin, we will not do it."

"Aye. I think that we should, although we won't get much done before nightfall."

"Dusk is already upon us," I said. "And we cannot waste anymore time before Durin's Day befalls."

"The lass is right," Dwalin said. "I say we depart right now."

"Aye," the rest of us said.

We gathered up the rest of the company very quietly and started out.

"Hey!" Bain cried. "Where do you think you're off to?"

"Lad, we cannot be delayed," Balin reasoned.

"My father gave me orders to not let you leave!"

"So...Bard is not here?" Thorin asked.

Bain stared at him wide eyed as we dashed down the stairway and onto the streets. We put up our hoods and ran together, trying to find the city armory as Bard had earlier mentioned.

"How do we know what this armory is even supposed to look like?" Fili asked.

"Uh, maybe because it's in plain sight," I suggested as I saw a building labeled: Armory.

"What's the plan?" Bofur asked.

Thorin thought to himself.

Five minutes later, there was a pyramid of dwarves leading up to an open window in the armory.

"Sshh! Keep it down!" Dwalin warned.

"As soon as we have the weapons, we make straight for the mountain. Go, go, go!" Thorin commanded.

Thorin pointed to Nori, who got a running start and ran up the pyramid of dwarves. He reached the second floor window and dived through.

"Next," Thorin said.

Bilbo followed suit, and soon the rest of us had made it into the city armory.

We began collecting the weapons stored there. Thorin handed Kili some weapons as Kili struggled to hold them up.

"You alright?" Thorin asked him.

"I can manage," Kili reassured. "Let's just get out of here."

Kili started walking towards the staircase. I approached Thorin.

"I don't know if this is the right time to tell you this," I began. He looked at me inquisitively. "But...Thorin, I-"

I was cut off by a large crash and the sound of a tumbling body. I looked to my left. Kili had fallen.

In the distance, the watchmen cried out, and running footsteps approached.

"Run!" Dori cried.

We grabbed weapons, but several guards were pointing their pikes at us. The captain of the guard was holding Kili with a dagger to his throat. I looked on and gasped. Kili looked at Thorin with sadness and guilt.

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