Chapter 9 - New Weapons

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The 15 of us traveled east until mid morning. We had finally reached the destination; a large cave. We dismounted from our ponies and walked a ways away from them.

Thorin grabbed my hand and yanked me behind a tree.

"What the Durin?" I asked.

"We need to talk," Thorin stated.

"About what?"

He nervously looked around.

"About yesterday." I raised an eyebrow. "I didn't mean what I said as we were going back to camp."

I pushed my head forward. "Meaning?"

"Meaning that I would never have a lust for you. Never. So don't get the wrong idea."

"Oh," I said disappointed. "I thought that you were going to take back that comment about my breast size."

He lifted his brows. "No. That statement still remains as true as the fact that sun rises and sets everyday."

I glared at him. "Is that all?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes."

I lifted my head. "Good." I swiftly walked off towards the cave. Bilbo and I entered inside, following the rest of the dwarves. Thorin came in after us. The cave was full of treasures that trolls had been hoarding.

"Oh, what's that stench?!" Nori complained.

"It's a troll hoard," Gandalf informed. "Be careful what you touch..."

As we ventured deeper into the cave, many of the dwarves coughed and retched at the pungency. Inside, they found piles of gold coins and other treasures in the caskets.

"Seems a shame just to leave it lying around..." Bofur said. "Anyone could take it."

"Agreed," Gloin cooed. "Nori, get a shovel."

While exploring, Thorin and I found two swords covered in cobwebs. Gandalf approached us.

"These swords were not made by any troll," Thorin observed out loud.

Thorin handed one sword to Gandalf and kept the other one for himself.

"Nor were they made by any smith among men," I continued.

Gandalf drew the sword in his hand out of its sheath a few inches.

"These were forged in Gondolin by the High Elves of the First Age."

Realizing that they are Elven swords, a look of contempt grew on Thorin's face and he started to put his away in disgust.

"You could not wish for a final blade," Gandalf said sternly.

Reluctantly, Thorin held onto the sword. He drew it out of the sheath a few inches as well.

"Let's get out of this foul place," Thorin said, scrunching his nose. I turned my head towards him. "Come on, let's go. Bofur! Gloin! Nori!"

Thorin rushed out of the cave, still carrying the sword.

I walked out with Gandalf. On our way out, Gandalf stepped on something metallic. By brushing aside the leaves beneath him with his staff, he found another sword. He exited the cave and headed over to where Bilbo was sitting. He handed Bilbo the sword he had just found.

They had a small dispute about him accepting it. But Bilbo finally took it.

"The blade is of Elvish make," Gandalf told the Hobbit. "Which means that it will glow blue when Orcs or Goblins are nearby."

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