Chapter 4 - More of the Company

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During the last half of the day and the beginning half of the second day, Thorin and I traveled to find another pair of brothers: Balin and Dwalin, distant relatives of Thorin.

We found Balin in Chetwood, but not Dwalin.

Balin lived amongst a few other elderly warriors who had seen their fair share of battle.

"I haven't seen or spoken to Dwalin in years," Balin said, seeming dismayed.

"Do you know where he is?" Thorin asked.

"Last I knew, he was working somewhere in this region. The Northern Bree fields, I believe."

"Thank you, Balin. Remember. Get ready for a years journey. Come to the Shire tomorrow. There will be a mark on the Hobbit hole's door," Thorin reminded.

"Aye. It is so good to see you again, Thorin. It's been too long."

"I agree, my old friend. I'm looking forward to this endeavor."

They nodded their heads at each other. Balin's eyes wandered towards me.

"I do think that this lass has seemed to brighten your mood, Thorin," he pointed out.

"Jaedda?" he asked.

"Aye. Tell me, what is the relationship between you two?"

Thorin and I looked at each other.

"I am Thorin's assistant," I spoke up. "He saved me from Azog once, but I never got the chance to thank him. We met yesterday, so in thanks, I pledged my services to him."

Thorin turned his head back towards the wise Dwarf and nodded. Balin smiled.

"Well I think that it is good to finally have a woman in his company. He's gone far too long without one."

Thorin stared at him in an agitated manner. Balin just smirked at him. He then brought his attention back to me.

"Might I ask, lassie, what species are you?" Balin asked. "Your much to lovely to be a Dwarf, but far too petite to be a Hobbit."

I looked down. "I am a Nymph, master Balin. The last of my kind."

He solemnly nodded. "I see. I have heard of the Nymph purge, as the Orcs called it. How did you survive?"

"I was not at home during the raid. I can't even recall what I was doing now."

"Well, I hope you find comfort in the company of the Dwarves of Erebor. Thorin is treating you well, I hope?"

I looked to Thorin, who then looked to me. "I guess," I replied.

Balin nodded. "Well. I'll let you two be on your way, then. The Northern Fields are an aweful long way from here. A day's trip, I'd imagine."

Thorin nodded in agreement. "It's been good to see you, Balin."

We took off, heading north towards the fields. The sun set, and the skies grew darker. We stopped by a small lake.

"We'll camp here," Thorin stated. I nodded.

"There shouldn't be any Orcs in a place so close to the towns," I said. "But do you want to take night watches anyway?"

"I think that would be wise," he agreed. "I'll take the first watch. You get some sleep."

I set up some of our bedding and made a small tent. He made a fire and together we drank some water and ate our bread.

I went to sleep without any trouble at all. But my sleep was troubling. I dreamed of returning to my village after I was away. Blood flowed through the streets. Bodies of my fellow Nymphs were lying about.

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