Chapter 34 - Aftermath

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"Dead?" I asked. "You're joking!" I started laughing. "Thorin's not dead! Now come on, where are you?"

I started looking around Bilbo and Gandalf.

"Jaedda," Gandalf said. "He is no longer breathing."

My heart got a heavy, dreadful feeling. "Not...breathing?"

They stared at me solemnly.

I shook my head in disbelief. "It's not true. It's not true. It's not..." I collapsed to the ground and started crying. The orcs had officially taken everything from me that I held dear. My family, my love, my people.

"No..." I whispered.

"Would you like to see him?" Gandalf asked.

I nodded slowly. We ventured up to where he was. The other Dwarves were surrounding him. I noticed that we were two short.

"Where are Kili and Fili?" I asked. They looked up at me with sorrow in their eyes. "Don't tell me..."

Balin nodded slowly. "I'm afraid that the line has been broken."

I gasped as I let out more choked sobs. I leaned down next to Thorin, who was laying there peacefully. The other dwarves left, leaving me to have a moment with him. I cried on his chest, as my heart boiled with loathe. I saw Azog lying dead in the ice. It gave me a sick feeling of satisfaction.

"Thorin," I said to him. "You can't leave me. I-" I could finish before tears escaped my eyes once more. "I love you!"

I heard some one say the same thing in the distance. At first, I thought it was my echo, then I realized that it was a different voice all together. Curious, I rose up and walked to the source of the noise.

Near a cliff, I found Kili with the red-haired Elleth. She was holding his hand as she grieved over him.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Who are you?" I returned.

"I am Tauriel. Formal captain of the guard in Mirkwood."

"You are the one that Kili is in love with?"

She slowly nodded. "And I, him."

"What happened?" I asked.

"An Orc pierced him."

Tears filled my eyes once more. "Will you please come with me?" I asked. "And bring him along?"

She nodded as she picked him up and followed me back over to Thorin.

"I'm Jaedda," I introduced. "I was Thorin's servant. But...we fell in love."

"He is dead...?" she questioned. I nodded.

"Yeah," I said in a squeaky voice.

We both burst into tears and mourned over our love's deaths.

"Why does it hurt so much?" I asked.

"Because it was real," she answered.

The other dwarves came and took the bodies back to Erebor for inspection.

Tauriel came with us, and we welcomed her among us.

They allowed me to be the first one to look at Thorin's wound. I removed his shirt and armor. What I saw shocked me. There was nothing more there than a small scratch and bruise. Nothing that would kill him. I breathed heavily.

Then why is he dead? I thought.

"Gandalf!" I cried. "Something's happened!"

Gandalf came running in. "What is it, Jaedda?" he asked

"Thorin didn't get wounded."

"What? Impossible." He walked over to Thorin's body to inspect it for himself.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"I don't know!" I exclaimed. "Something's not right here!"

"Gandalf!" The other dwarves cried. Gandalf turned and faced Dori and Balin.

"What is it now?" he asked.

"It's Kili and Fili," Dori answered. "They don't have any mark on their bodies."

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